10 flat stomach exercises better than sit-ups

Do you dream of a flatter, or at least better-shaped, firmer stomach, the muscles of which would also provide support to your back? These abdominal exercises are much better than the classic situps (so criticized for the perineum of women), and will allow you to tone your stomach effectively.

A flat, well-toned stomach does not only satisfy aesthetic criteria! Because a muscular abdominal belt means maintaining the bust and especially the back, without worry.
But doing abdominals every day, we grant you, it's tan! And the results are not always there too… Do not worry: there are many other exercises which have nothing to do with tedious chest raises (the famous 'sit-ups'), but which still allow you to have a firm and muscular stomach.

See also in video
>> 6 exercises to do to really strengthen your abs:

Video by Juliette Le Peillet

Here we offer you 10 exercises that strengthen all the abdominal muscles, without having to suffer with classic situps. Thus, you will bring more variety to your abs workout, and maybe even – let's dream – more fun!

See as well :
>> Your special abs program with these 10 variations of the core board

10 flat stomach exercises, and not even a single bust lift!

Sorry to teach you if you didn’t know, but when you want to build your abs, it's important that you practice these exercises regularly for them to really work. Ideally, you should practice at least three times a week (yes! We have nothing for nothing my good lady!).

You don't necessarily need to be coached in a gym, because since confinement, we know that being able to do your abdominal exercises at home is still super practical. However, you need to make sure that you are performing your exercises correctly in order for them to be effective. Don't worry: here you'll find step-by-step instructions for each exercise, so you can't do anything wrong! Are you ready ? So let's go !

Flat stomach exercise 1: the core plank

The sheathing, this is the basis for your abdominal strap. Why ? Because we are going to build the deep abdominals, that is to say those which are really useful for standing, to support the weight of the body, not to suffer from back pain, and of course to REALLY muscle your belly. (not just the chocolate chips visible on the surface with… nothing below!). Thanks to this plank exercise, in support of the forearms, you especially strengthen the muscles deep abdominals, and you also work the back and the muscles of the arm / shoulder group.

The position :

  • Lie on your stomach. From this position, straighten your upper body, supporting yourself on your forearms. The elbows are below the shoulders with the thumbs pointing towards each other.
  • Now, straighten your legs, supporting yourself on your tiptoes.
  • Tighten your stomach and buttocks. Make sure that the pelvis does not sag, and that the buttocks do not go up too much. The body should form a straight line.
  • Hold this position for as long as you can (at least 20 seconds). Take a short break. Three repetitions.

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Variant : If the classic board is too easy for you (yes it is possible!), You can try the "Superman board": instead of using the forearms, support yourself on the wrists, elbows straight. Now simultaneously extend your right arm in front and lift your left leg hugging buttocks and stomach, and hold it for 2-5 seconds. Now bring the right elbow and the left knee together under your stomach. Then switch sides.

Flat stomach exercise 2: the side plank

You can easily convert the classic core plank into a side plank and work out the oblique abdominal muscles. Here too, the arms and the back work at the same time.

The position :

  • Lie on your left side. Lift your upper body off the ground, resting on your left wrist. Make sure your elbow is below your shoulder. The body must respect a leg / bust alignment.
  • Now firmly squeeze your stomach. The body is supported by your left arm and the supports on the edges of your feet (either you manage to put one foot on the other, or to maintain balance, you put one foot in front of the other). Hold this position for as long as possible. Take a short break and repeat three times.

Please note: the body should remain straight during the exercise and not tilt forwards or backwards.

See as well :
>>> Flat stomach challenge, 3 weeks to give your all

Flat stomach exercise: the side plank

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Variant : If this is too difficult for you, you can start by leaning on your forearm + the flat of your hand placed perpendicular to the body.

Flat stomach exercise 3: the Jack Knife

With this exercise you mainly strengthen the lower abdominal muscles.

The position :

  • Lie on your back. Your arms and legs are stretched out on the floor.
  • Now extend your arms and legs towards the ceiling and if possible, touch the tips of your feet with your hands. Lower your legs and arms again, but don't put them on the floor.
  • Make sure you keep your balance: this is where it stings, as you are working stability by strength in your abdominal muscles. 3 x 15 repetitions.

Flat stomach exercise: the Jackknife

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Flat stomach exercise 4: reverse crunch

If you want to see your lower abdomen melt, this exercise will help you a lot.

The position :

  • Lie on your back, legs straight, arms at your sides or hands behind your ears (but not crossed behind your head otherwise you will pull on the back of the neck rather than the abs).
  • Raise your legs to 90 ° C, try to slowly lift the hips and buttocks a few inches.
    Important: Do the exercise without rocking, without using pushing force, otherwise it will have no effect on your abs.
    3 x 20 repetitions.

Variant : You can also vary the pleasures by lifting to the right, then to the left to work the obliques.

Flat stomach exercise: reverse crunch or reverse crunch

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Flat stomach exercise 5: scissors

Scissors are a great exercise for strengthening the right abs.

The position :

  • Lie on your back and lift your legs off the floor.
  • Position the hands on the sides of the head, lift the head slightly.
  • Now quickly cross your feet alternately, like scissors. Keep your legs fully extended a few inches off the floor. Perform the exercise for 30 seconds, short break, then repeat in increments of 30 seconds.

Flat stomach exercise: scissors

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Flat stomach exercise 6: the Russian twist

This exercise particularly targets your lateral abdominal muscles.

The position :

  • Sit freely on the floor and bend your knees, and lift your shins (about 90 °). The feet should therefore not touch the ground.
    Trick To intensify the exercise, you can hold a load, a bottle of water or a kettlebell in your hands (available here on Amazon *).
  • Now, lean your upper body back slightly to stabilize the pelvis, squeeze your stomach, and swing your arms (or your load) to one side of your chest, then the other. Make sure your upper body stays straight by shaping your tummy. 3 x 15 reps per side.

Special oblique abdominal flat stomach exercise

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Variant : You can make the exercise more difficult by stretching your legs instead of curling them. The more the legs are stretched, the more intense the training.

Flat stomach exercise 7: Mountain Climbers

Mountain Climbers are a great cardio, fat-burning type exercise. This exercise also mobilizes the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

The position :

  • Resume the classic plank position on the hands, with the trunk straight, the back approximately parallel to the ground, the neck aligned with the spine (head neither too raised nor too retracted). Resting on outstretched arms and tiptoes.
  • Now alternately bend the right knee and then the left towards the chest, as if you are running with your legs. The knees and elbows should not touch each other, but should be very close.
  • Make sure that both legs move at the same time: while one knee bends forward, the other moves back. Do the exercise as fast and as long as possible.

Cardio flat stomach exercise: the Mountain Climber

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Flat stomach exercise 8: the Bicycle Crunch

The Bicycle Crunch is an effective exercise for your oblique abdominal muscles.

Flat stomach exercise: the Bicycle crunch

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The position :

  • Lie on your back. The knees are bent towards the bust at 90 ° and slightly lift the shoulder blades, elbows apart, hands placed behind the ears.
  • Alternately bring the right shoulder and left knee together as quickly as possible, then the left shoulder and right knee successively. It must burn in the obliques pretty quickly, but don't let go!
    2×15 repetitions.

Flat stomach exercise 9: Atomic Crunches on a Swiss Ball

Atomic crunches are ideal for working the upright. For this exercise, you need an exercise ball, commonly known as the Swiss Ball (available here on Amazon *). Alternatively, you can also do the exercise with the feet suspended with TRX straps.

See as well :
>> How to use TRX, the top accessory for sheathing?

The position :

  • Put yourself in a plank, resting on your arms outstretched, and your feet … resting on the Swiss Ball.
  • Now bend your knees pushing your butt upwards without your feet letting go of the ball.
  • Exhale and slowly return to the starting position. Stomach and legs should be tight to maintain the position, not lose your balance and be able to come and go with straight legs / bent knees.

Flat stomach exercise with a Swiss Ball

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See as well :
>> These mistakes to avoid when doing sit-ups!

Flat stomach exercise 10: torsion of the pelvis

The pelvic twist is a popular exercise for working the obliques and the back at the same time. It is important during the exercise that you concentrate on the core conditioning of your body and that you execute the movement slowly.

The position :

  • Lie on your back, arms extended out to T-sides.
  • Now bend your legs 90 ° so that the calves are parallel to the floor. Stretch your belly.
  • Then, let your knees try to land alternately to the left and right, in a wiper-like motion.

Important : Only touch the ground with your knees as far as you can keep the tension in your stomach. Keep your shoulders on the floor throughout the exercise.

Very drawn abs, a utopia?

Sure, a good abdominal muscle workout is essential for a firm, flat stomach, but that's not all. Have you been working on your abs for ages, but the chocolate chips are still not showing? So maybe you should also look at your diet. Because well-shaped abdominals certainly go through physical training, but not only. Most of the work also requires ad hoc nutrition.
Because it is also important to adopt good eating habits and a healthy daily lifestyle in order to reduce belly fat, if there is any fat mass. Did you know, for example, that industrial, highly processed foods, baguettes, sodas and a lack of sleep favor a small canister? Without good nutrition, there is no flat stomach!

But we relax: you can still strengthen your abdominal muscles without reaching a flat stomach and that's okay! Drying out your body doesn't have to be a goal in itself.

2 books to go further

My body training notebook, by Elodie Sillaro, ed. Solar.
A real exercise book and a wealth of info if your goal is really to shape your abs.
€ 7.90 at Amazon
The complete guide to the flat stomach, by Josie-K, ed. Librinova. The author returns to the definition of "flat stomach" and offers you a health check; a real nutritional guide, which includes as a bonus some fifty adapted recipes.
€ 14.90 at Amazon

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