10 hot hair colorings when you have boyish hair: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

In addition to being elegant and sophisticated, the boyish cut adds a bit of extra dynamism look like any woman. But beware: while short hair can save you time in the morning in the bathroom, it's still important not to neglect hair care, especially when you want to go for a new color.

Coloring on a boyish cut: solid color or highlights?

Solid coloring or reflections? Always useful to remember that, when choosing to opt for a solid color, constant retouching are to be expected. Why ? Quite simply because short hair grows quickly: the roots will therefore be visible more quickly than on long hair. If you prefer to go for a light balayage or a few highlights, then you won't need to touch up your color as frequently. On the other hand, too fine wicks should be avoided, for the simple reason that a large amount of highlights on short locks can result in an unwanted “smudged” look, due to the reduced length of the hair.

Boyish cut: what are the trendy hair colors of the moment?

From dark brown to copper brown, through mahogany brown, raven black, dark blonde, copper or even red: the color choices on a boyish cut are multiple and varied. If you have very fair skin, your look will be particularly sublimated with a blonde, ashy, copper, red or light brown coloring. If you have fair skin and very dark eyes, be careful with the light blonde option for avoid the too artificial aspect. In this case, a dark brown can work very well. For more rosy skin, it is in your best interest to bet on golden blonde or platinum shades and in darker tones, red. Women with fair skin and eyes can bet on a black color: a timeless one. Rather mat skin will be sublimated by copper or golden nuances. Darker colors work best on skin with yellow undertones. Finally, dark to black skin will be highlighted by reddish brown, auburn, aubergine or black. It's your turn !

Discover 10 hot hair colors when you have boyish hair

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⋙ Mousy Hair: the canon hair color that we will adopt in the spring

⋙ Buttercream Blonde: the trendy hair color you are going to want at all costs

⋙ Creamy peach: a sparkling color that redheads will love (hot)!

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