10 hurtful phrases not to say

Shy child: 10 hurtful phrases not to say

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by Zoe Tison

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Faced with a shy child, there are remarks to avoid at all costs. Most of the time, these phrases only make children’s shyness worse, jokes or not!

Children all have different sensitivitiessome are introverted others very extroverted, some are very emphatic while others have a harder time with it. But you have to be careful with the words you use with all the children, they are in full construction And words that may seem harmless to us are not necessarily so for them. Many psychologists warn about these qualified words of “prisons-words” by Caroline Goldmanpsychotherapist.

Shy children are the first to be very careful. Shyness can be very difficult to manage at school but also in the family circle. Some phrases that sound like jokes are actually very hurtful to shy children. But how is shyness characterized? A shy person is defined as someone qhe lacks ease and confidence in his dealings with others.” and shyness manifests itself from an early age. Here are 10 phrases that can be hurtful to shy children.

Zoe Tison

Parenting writer

Zoé is on a work-study program, she joined the aufeminin team in September 2022, she writes for the parenting section. Committed and curious, Zoé likes to write to advance…

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