10 phrases your child needs to hear

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Children need support to develop: this is called emotional security. So here are the phrases your child needs to hear.

Many responsibilities fall on parents, they are the root and the anchor of their child. Indeed, they are the ones who will help their child to develop and develop completely in their daily lives. And all his responsibilities are sometimes blurred by all the advice (or not) that parents receive on a daily basis, whether from their relatives or specialists. But there is one important thing to know, if children need a lot of things, they also and above all need a lot of love. And this love you can show them in many ways, through gestures, words, attentions, time spent with them…

In any case, this bubble of love is important for the development of the child and we call this, emotional security. The child knows that he is loved, that he has a healthy relationship with his parents, that he is encouraged, valued, what better for him? So if you don’t really know how to guarantee your child’s emotional security, we have selected 10 phrases he needs to hear…

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The 10 phrases your child needs to hear

Even if today, parents find it much easier to express their love explicitly to their child, there are areas that we forget to explore. If the “I love you” is necessary, we must not neglect the whole part of encouragement, valuation, consideration. That’s why these 10 phrases will help you create a real zone of trust and love with your child so that he can flourish in the best possible way… Emotional security goes through all of this:

  1. I like you
  2. I’m here for you
  3. I’m proud of you, I believe in you
  4. I’m sorry
  5. I love spending time with you
  6. How are you feeling ?
  7. I’m here to listen to you
  8. I watch you do
  9. Can I give you a hug?
  10. I understand how you feel

Parenting writer

Zoé is on a work-study program, she joined the aufeminin team in September 2022, she writes for the parenting section. Committed and curious, Zoé likes to write to advance…

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