10 signs that you are not taking enough care of yourself

Already exhausted in the morning?
This is how you know you are not taking enough care of yourself

© Maridav / Adobe Stock

Sometimes life just overwhelms us, our to-do lists get fuller instead of getting empty, and instead of slowing down, we increase our expectations of ourselves. When our tanks are empty and we’re on our last legs, it’s not that easy to get back from the red to the green.

Health on the wrong track

It happens again and again that we lose sight of our health. This is not always dramatic, but it can be. It is not uncommon for us to give priority to things in our lives over our health. We usually only notice what is really important when we are ill. That is why it is important not only to keep an eye on our surroundings, but above all to pay attention to ourselves and to be alert at the first signs: “Hey, you are losing sight of yourself. Take care of yourself!”.

Signs that show you are not paying attention to your mental health

  1. You don’t allow yourself to take breaks until everything is done, no matter how you feel.
  2. You say “yes” to things even though you want to say “no.”
  3. You find it difficult to ask for help.
  4. You avoid confrontations.
  5. You feel exhausted first thing in the morning.
  6. You suppress or ignore your feelings.
  7. You distract yourself instead of dealing with things that are bothering you.
  8. You have the feeling that you are only controlled by others.
  9. You act contrary to your needs and values.
  10. You don’t set boundaries or you ignore them.

Shift down a gear

Do you recognize yourself? Then the pace you are currently going may be too much for you. Perhaps you are not allowing yourself enough breaks and self-care. Take a little better care of yourself. Eat healthily, drink enough, get enough sleep, be kind to yourself. It’s always so easy to say – we know that – but even micro habits can have a big impact on our mood and well-being. And the most important thing is that we are healthy – mentally and physically.


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