10 things only frostbite know!

10 things only frostbite know!

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There are things that only people who are actually always cold can understand. Here are ten of them!

by Paula Becker

1.A warm scarf is always waiting in the office, a granny cardigan, or a patchwork quilt hanging over the back of your chair. It’s 25 degrees in July? It doesn’t matter, it’s somehow so fresh in here if you air it all the time! mano!

2.Taking a hot shower is the most awesome thing for you. It doesn’t matter whether it’s at home in the morning or in the swimming pool under the Raindance. Is there a line already forming? Oh guys, go on doing your laps. It’s good for your back!

3. You! Are you! Quasimodo! Because: You actually walk around with hunched shoulders and hunched back all the time, just so you don’t lose any heat. The chiropractor is happy!

4. A trip to America? No way! Because: Air conditioners are death for you. Are you finally happy about the appropriate outside temperatures and have you bravely pulled out the short-sleeved? And then: Ice-cold cars, restaurants, shopping malls? Brrr. Not with you…

5.“Close the window!”, this sentence was the one you said most often in the 8th grade. And yes: even back then you really pissed everyone off about it. Your quick-witted standard answer: “No one has sunk to death, but many have frozen to death!”.

6.Call me onion, folks! All your outfits consist of at least three layers: merino wool undershirt, long sleeve, cable knit sweater, thick scarf. To ask?

7. Cocoa? Tea? Grog with a shot? Take everything until your tongue burns. The main thing is heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee taken with

8th.You only go to bed with a hot water bottle or grain pillow. If you’re honest: the little heater is even more important to you than the man you love. Don’t complain about your cold feet either.

9. What’s the only thing better than taking a shower? Right: blow dry. The entire body down to the tips of the toes. “Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuut!” – so beautiful!

10Oh yes, the heating bill. You’d better put a twentieth in the piggy bank every month as a preventive measure. Because you have heating from September to May. And on the rainy days in June, July and August.


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