10 things that change when you're 30

That's it you are 30 years old, everyone's dreaded age! But no question of depressing, thirties is above all the way to fulfillment and wisdom. The proof with these 10 things that change … and good!

You no longer save for the same things

Save money for the latest pair of fashionable shoes? All that is over! At 30, you invest in real adult stuff like a Dyson vacuum cleaner for example. But thirties is also an opportunity to invest in stone by becoming an owner. Something "big", what!

You're finally ready to take care of someone else

At 30, you're finally ready to take care of someone else! If adopting a dog has always been your dream, you are finally taking the plunge. Going out in the rain to walk it no longer scares you and its needs come before yours. For others, thirties means marriage and / or baby. In short, we get down to business!

You don't really want to go out (at all)

Who would have thought that going out with friends would become a chore? The day is over, you now have only one desire: to go home, put on your pajamas and sit quietly in front of the TV. Worse, you no longer accept plans at the last minute! If they want to see you, your friends will have to tell you several weeks in advance.

You take much more care of yourself

At 30, you begin to understand that your body is no longer 20 years old and that it must be taken care of. Today, what you love is a good massage or a day at the spa with your friends. You finally take time for yourself and let's face it, it feels really good! Pamper yourself = the good life.

You take a week to recover from a watered evening

While you used to chain shots, you are now paying attention to your alcohol consumption! And yes, at 30, you recover (unfortunately) more as well from a watered evening and you now need a good week to make up for your lost sleep hours. Lasts life!

You don't have as many friends anymore

Of course you don't have as many friends as before, but you have kept the TRUE. Conflicts ? You don't want it anymore and you no longer hesitate to part with toxic people. You now favor evenings with your two best friends, you know those with whom nothing changes even when you don't see yourself for a month. No more time for fake friends!

You favor comfort

In addition to becoming a homebody, you now favor comfort. Camping holidays? You are no longer old enough for that and you prefer to book two weeks in an all inclusive hotel to fully enjoy your vacation. No more concerts in the pit, you now want to sit in a gold square.

You're testing things you never would have tested

While five years ago you made fun of people who practiced yoga, today you find yourself loving it! You don't hesitate to get up earlier in the morning for your little sports session and you even allow yourself ten short minutes of meditation every evening. Yep, never seen before!

You ask yourself real questions

That's it, you no longer waste your time with trivialities! Thirties is the path to fulfillment and wisdom and you are now asking yourself real questions. Do you really want to spend your life in Paris? Are you really happy on the pro side? So many questions that will serve to build your future.

You no longer give your age

It has almost become the touchy question you try to dodge when you meet new people. You who loved to blow out your candles in front of the whole family, you now prefer to dine at a restaurant and above all: you no longer put the numbers on your birthday cake!

See also: Life before 30 years VS life after 30 years