10 tips for watering flowers in summer – video

Your flowers in the garden and on the balcony are particularly thirsty in summer – in the video you can see ten tips that you should consider when watering!

Summer time – flower time! What is nicer in good weather than to make yourself comfortable in the garden or on the balcony and enjoy the colorful flowers in the flower bed and flower pots? But right now your flowers are particularly dependent on you – because if you don't pay attention when watering, you may soon no longer enjoy your plants

Water properly – a gardener explains

Unfortunately, "More sun, more water" is not enough – many plants are literally "drowned" by their owners, who actually only wanted to do something good for them. In the video, a professional therefore explains exactly what needs to be considered and explains important factors such as time, bucket size, amount of water and correct nutrients.

Source used: RTL.de
