10 tips on how to make friends in a new environment

After the move
10 tips on how to make friends in a new environment

© sonyakamoz / Adobe Stock

Most of the time we move several times in our lives. But while it was easy to find new friends as a child or adolescent at school, it is often difficult as an adult in everyday working life. But even in adulthood, there are many ways to make new friends.

Moving to a new city is often like moving into a new life. Especially when you are not accompanied by a partner or someone else from your social environment. A new place, a new job and the stress of moving: It takes a while to settle in and make friends. It can happen that you feel lonely at the beginning and don’t even know how to build a new social life. These things can help you make acquaintances that may turn into real friendships.

1. What do you look for in a friend?

Which qualities are particularly important to you or what would you like to do with your friends? If you know yourself what you want, it is easier for you to see whether the person suits you and your ideas. Of course you can’t put friends together according to your own wishes, but a rough idea can still help you.

2. Confidence is key

In order to approach other people, it helps to show a healthy self-confidence. Remind yourself of your good qualities and that you too can be an asset in the lives of others.

3. Plan enough time

If possible, plan some time before you move to your new home. So you can explore your new area in peace and get to know people. After all, the stress of moving and everyday life leave little time and energy for a relaxed arrival and for making contacts. That’s why it’s good if you have some time to get used to it.

4. Clubs and Hobbies

Probably the easiest way to meet people is to join a club or group. Are there local regulars’ tables, clubs or courses at the adult education center that interest you? Then let’s go! Sports and hobbies bring new contacts and common interests. Even if you don’t currently have a hobby you can do with others, it’s never too late to try something outside of your comfort zone. Maybe you will discover a new passion alongside potential friends.

5. Colleagues become friends

The workplace offers good opportunities to make friends. You can go to lunch with your colleagues or you can get to know each other better during a coffee break. By working together, you often learn a lot about your colleague and quickly find something to talk about. Don’t wait for the others, instead simply initiate the first coffee meeting yourself.

6. Ask for the phone number

Are you having a nice chat in a café or on the dog park? Then get over yourself and ask for the phone number of the person! This can be difficult, but with a little courage, a nice acquaintance can result. To make it easier, you can explain that you are new to the area. Most people won’t say no to a coffee together!

7. Let me introduce you

Are you lucky enough to already have an acquaintance or two? Then ask her to introduce you to a few people. In groups it is much easier to start a conversation without having to approach others directly.

8. Little commuting

Shortly after moving, you don’t feel like you’ve really arrived. The old homeland is often still very present. It is therefore quite normal for many to go back to old friends on the weekends. But if you occasionally spend a weekend in the new environment and are out in the evenings, it’s easier to get to know new people than during the week. Of course you don’t have to do it alone, maybe a friend would like to come along and you can make the area unsafe together!

9. Apps and Internet

With many dating apps you can set it up so that you are looking for acquaintances or friends. This method may not be for everyone, but it’s worth a try! The same applies to Facebook groups: all kinds of people meet here and you can filter for specific activities or hobbies that interest you.

10. Patience

If it doesn’t work right away, don’t worry. All beginnings are difficult and human relationships in particular take time and a lot of effort to develop and deepen. It may take several attempts before you find a new friend. So don’t forget to praise yourself from time to time, for example if you’ve gotten yourself to address a person. Enjoy the new beginning where you can discover everything – and who knows, you might meet your new friends sooner than you think.

Sources used: stern.de, amp.n-tv.de, merkur.de


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