10 years later, a much-requested feature is finally here!

Fans impatient to do battle with the Elden Ring DLC ​​might in the meantime want to return to Dark Souls 2. Thanks to a mod, the PC version of the game is clearly gaining in appeal.

In the absence of patches from FromSoftware, Dark Souls 2 is getting a huge makeover, 10 years after its release. Thanks to a mod, the PC version of the title is up to date, particularly regarding the framerate. By default, this was unfortunately limited to 60 FPS to avoid unfortunate side effects.

Redemption for the ugly duckling Dark Souls 2?

For many fans of the legendary Dark Souls franchise, the second installment occupies a complicated place. It is especially its definitive version, Scholar of the First Sin, which was not to everyone’s taste. This made a lot of changes, particularly to the arrangement of enemies, resulting in a roller coaster difficulty curve. The PC version also did not rouse the crowds, in particular because of a framerate blocked by default at 60 fps.

It took 10 years and the exemplary work of a modder to correct this problem. Released very recently, the aptly named DS2FrameUnlimiter finally brings more fluidity to the title. Exit the limit of 60 fps, it is now possible to adapt the framerate to the display frequency of your screen. But that’s not all that emoose, creator of the mod, did for the venerable game from FromSoftware.

What makes you want to dive back into this venerable title of cult license? ©Capcom

A boss job, praise be to the Sun!

Dark Souls 2 unfortunately had a good reason for limiting its framerate to 60 fps. Going higher, it caused very disturbing side effects. We can cite in particular an accelerated drain of life and endurance, weapons which were damaged more quickly or even animation bugs. The emoose mod has taken these elements into account to offer an (almost) guaranteed bug-free experience, regardless of the framerate.

However, he insists that his mod is not yet in its final version. Other elements related to a too high framerate that it has not had time to correct may not work correctly. However, the work done on the mod remains to be commended. This is indeed already much more attention paid to Dark Souls 2 than by its developers in 10 years of existence. Finally, for fans of the Souls-like genre, this is a good way to wait for some Elden Ring DLC.

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