11 good reasons why we need to empower girls worldwide!

The fight against sexual assaults during #Aufschrei and #MeToo, the body positivity movement, questioning gender norms, the advancement of women, Equal Pay Day, and, and, and: Even in the liberal democracies of the West there is still a lot to do, until girls and women have the same opportunities as boys and men.

But in large parts of the world, girls are prevented from even beginning to exercise their rights. Many factors – from gender-based discrimination to unequal power distribution – prevent girls from leading a self-determined life. At worst, they are exploited as sexual objects, child brides, cheap labor or even slaves.

Many can only dream of education, free choice of profession or partner or even just a full stomach. 11 shocking facts – and what we can do to help girls live independently.

Sources: Plan International, Unesco, WHO, Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), Free a Girl, Bread for the World

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