It's the pretty story of the day! Romeo Cortex, an 11-year-old British boy, decided to set off on foot from Italy to join his grandmother in England, accompanied by his dad.
by Melanie Bonvard
A young Briton named Romeo Cortex has embarked on one hell of an adventure out of love for his grandmother, reports The Sun. A year ago the little boy, aged 11, moved away. He and his family moved from London, England to live in Parleme, Italy. Since this change of life, he still has not seen his grandmother Rosemary, 77, who lives in London.
The shortage is considerable and the pandemic has not helped Romeo maintain hope of seeing her again soon. But he and his dad, Phil, had an odd idea to say the least. On June 20, 2020, they set themselves a big challenge: to travel 2,735 kilometers on foot to reach London and visit it. An epic that made them live extraordinary adventures, not to mention a few small galleys. But after 93 days of trekking, the father and son finally arrived safely: on September 21, they reached Trafalgar Square, in London. Subject to the rules of the British authorities, they are now in quarantine but they have never been so close to the goal, that is to say Rosemary who, no doubt, is looking forward to this reunion.
The cute touch too? The little boy wanted to travel these many kilometers to find his grandmother, but also, for a good cause. In fact, he and his dad took the opportunity to raise funds for associations. In all, Romeo received 12,000 euros for React, an association that helps refugees. As for Phil, his dad, he raised 750 euros for Rory Peck, an organization that supports independent journalists. When we tell you that this story is heartwarming …
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