12 signs your child is suffering from a toxic friendship

Bad influence
12 Signs Your Child Has a Toxic Friendship

© Maria Vitkovska / Adobe Stock

What to do if your child suffers from bad influences? With these tips you will teach your child to recognize toxic friendships and build healthy ones.

Do you ever feel like your child’s boyfriend or girlfriend is a bad influence? Does it annoy you that you barely recognize your child once they’ve spent time with this other person? Sometimes all you have to do is roll your eyes internally and say to yourself, “They’ll have to figure that out for themselves, I’ll let them do it.” But sometimes you need to take action. Your child often cannot yet recognize for themselves when a friendship is toxic – and when it is good makes friendships.Your company is helpful in learning this important difference.

There are some indicators that you as a parent can use to tell whether your child’s friend is a bad influence. You can ask yourself these questions to find out if your child is suffering from a toxic friendship:

This is how your child distinguishes between healthy and toxic friendships

Talk to your child about healthy and unhealthy relationships: Let it be part of how you deal with it when people don’t do you any good. And how to recognize and maintain healthy relationships that strengthen you. Your child can recognize toxic and healthy friendships by these signs:

These signs indicate a toxic friendship

These signs indicate a healthy friendship

Tips if your child is in a toxic friendship

Friendships are so important for children, especially for teenagers, but also from elementary school age onwards, that they will put up with a lot to avoid being alone. Yes, it can be hard, but honestly, children – like all people – thrive on challenges. Your job as a parent is not to eliminate all bad influences and friendships. What’s more important is that you help your child make wise decisions about the people they want to surround themselves with. And teach him to take good care of himself. Here’s how to react if your child has a toxic friendship:

Sources used: psychologytoday.com, utopia.de


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