15 billion euros of eligible expenditure in 2022

Fifteen billion euros of expenditure will be backed by green loans on the financial markets in 2022, an amount similar to that of 2021, Agence France Trésor announced on Monday.

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These expenditures mainly include budgetary and tax expenditures which will be made this year within the framework of the finance law, explains AFT in a press release. They will be placed according to market demand, the organization specified. Eligible green expenses incurred in 2021 but which have not yet been matched with emissions may be matched this year.

The outstanding amount of green OATs amounts to 42.3 billion euros, also specified the organization responsible for placing France’s debt on the markets. France has positioned itself as the leader in green debt in Europe, having raised two bonds of seven billion euros, in 2017 then in 2021. For 2022, AFT is studying the possibility of creating a new green bond, indexed to inflation.

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