15 Characters We Thought Were Dead… But Actually Aren’t

Like Colonel Quaritch (Stephen Lang in “Avatar: The Way of the Water”, in theaters this week), a look back at 15 characters from the big and small screen that everyone thought were dead and buried… until that they come back.

Attention ! This slideshow deals with striking and often surprising disappearances of important characters in cinema and television. It is therefore by definition likely to reveal certain twists to the outcome of the films and series discussed. Be careful in your navigation…

Colonel Miles Quaritch (Avatar)

Walt Disney Company

Pierced by two arrows shot by Neytiri after a merciless battle between humans and Na’vis in the first Avatar, this officer played by Stephen Lang was even tougher than we had imagined. In The Way of the Water (in theaters from December 14, 2022), he is indeed back, in a way, (as an avatar into which his consciousness and memory have been transferred after his death), determined to take his revenge.

Harry Hart (Kingsman)

2017 Twentieth Century Fox

Picked up at the exit of the church by the henchmen of Valentine (Samuel L. Jackson) in Kingsman, the one nicknamed Galahad had been shot in the head under the bulging eyes of his apprentice Eggsy. A few years later, what is the surprise of the latter when he learns that his former mentor finally got away with a simple coquetry in the eye.

Alec Trevelyan (Goldeneye)

United International Pictures

On a special mission alongside his old comrade 007, this former MI6 agent gives his life “for England, James!” 9 years later, he reappears, full of resentment and scars, determined to take revenge on his former partner and the country that let him down. Of course, he ends up dying for good, because he’s played by Sean Bean.

Michel Delassalle (The Diabolics)

Vera Movies

Christina, wife of director Delassalle, had tried to get rid of it, and moreover sincerely thought she had succeeded. It was without counting on the diabolical surprise reserved for him by the “stiff”, lying in his bathtub.

John Locke (Lost)


Brought back to the island inside a coffin and in the company of his former shipwreck companions, the dean of the group seems in better shape than ever after the landing of Ajira flight 316.


20th Century Fox Television

Season 5 of the series ended with the sacrifice of the young heroine, and all her fans had therefore had to stay a year in fear of never seeing her again. It is with a big “phew” of relief that they had welcomed the return of the vampire hunter, brought back to life by her friends from the second episode of season 6.

Spock (Star Trek)

Paramont Pictures

To save the Enterprise from The Wrath of Khan, the Vulcan had given his life in an implacable mathematical logic, perhaps crossed by some furtive feelings. But after a poignant eulogy and a space sarcophagus trip to the planet Genesis, Spock was well and truly back.

Bobby EwingDallas


He had been left dying on his hospital bed, mortally wounded by his sister-in-law Katherine. We ended up finding him in the shower, whistling as if nothing had happened. Simply because… the previous season was actually just a dream. All season? Yes, yes, all season.

Glenn (The Walking Dead)


When the show’s writers left it in the hands of a horde of prowlers, fans had reason to be a little worried. Thanks to the corpse of his companion in misfortune, and against a short night spent in the garbage cans, he had obtained a reprieve. Very short-lived, unfortunately for him.

Hector Barbossa (Pirates of the Caribbean)

Walt Disney Pictures

Barely delivered from the curse that weighed on him and his crew at the end of the first part, Barbossa was offered the immediate demonstration that he had indeed become mortal again: a shot in the heart signed Jack Sparrow. A film later, he was back, revived by the magical care of Tia Dalma.

Baloo (The Jungle Book)

Walt Disney Animation Studios

The older ones probably didn’t give much credit to Papa Bear’s passing death. But the little ones had all cried with Mowgli the disappearance of their best friend, struck down by the claws of Shere Kahn. Fortunately, he is not yet born, the one who will knock out old Baloo.

Loki (Thor)

marvel studios

Killed by Malekith and his lieutenant Algrim while trying to save the universe, Loki had finally managed to redeem his conscience. In any case, that’s what everyone believed. Even his brother, who had paid him a moving tribute. But the final shot of Thor: The Dark World, where we see him strutting on Asgaard’s throne, suddenly reminded us that Loki had more than one trick up his sleeve.

Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)


Anyone can go there at any time, it’s the hard law of Game of Thrones. Nevertheless, the coup of Jon Snow murdered by his own brothers of the Night’s Watch at the end of season 5, we really did not see it coming. A year and two episodes later, however, the “bastard” of Winterfell returned to settle accounts with the traitors of Châteaunoir.

Letty (Fast & Furious)

Universal Pictures

Left for dead in a car explosion (the kind of stupid accident that happens when you go out with Dominic Toretto), Letty Ortiz has finally lost “only” her memory. The perfect opportunity for Owen Shaw (Luke Evans) to find a new ally.

Gandalf (Lord of the Rings)

Metropolitan FilmExport

To enable the Fellowship of the Ring to leave Moria, he had braved shadow and flame, from the deepest dungeon to the highest peak, laying down his life to defeat the Balrog of Morgoth. It was in the guise of the White Rider that he was brought back to his companions in The Two Towers, for the final battle against Sauron’s army.

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