15 positions to adopt when it’s hot

When it’s hot, making love can be less.. Pleasant. Unless you know what positions to adopt when temperatures rise and where to have sex.

Summer is here : temperatures are rising, the dresses and skirts are from going out, the days are getting longer and longer… This time of year is our favorite! Moreover, summer boosts our libido and we want to make love more than the rest of the year. Only problem? It’s much warmer and having sex can become an obstacle courseunless you are lucky enough to have air conditioning in your home. Indeed, human contact immediately brings a lot of heat, so in the summer when you are already suffocating, it is not very recommended. But are not not high temperatures that will prevent you from make love with your partner ! Indeed, know that there is sexual positions that give less heat than others We have them for you listed in our summersutrathe contraction of summer (summer) and sutras (of kama sutra).

What sexual positions to do when it’s hot?

The writing of aufeminin therefore offers you his summersutra : we have unearthed for you 15 places (and 15 positions) to make love in summer, and in the cool, please. Take the opportunity to explore new places with your partner… Between naughty games in the water, unusual places and other public places, aufeminin has not lacked imagination in terms of places and positions to do love in summer. Besides, shower lovers will find their happiness in our article 10 positions to make love in the shower. Here is our summersutra and its 15 ideas for making love in summer. To be tested without moderation during heat waves. And if you want to vary the pleasures, here are the 100 positions of the kamasutra.

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