15 reasons that prove that life is better at 40

The Quarantine Legend or the age that scares women the most. Yes, leaving your thirties is often a difficult step to take. It’s as if this extra year will change everything and age us forever. However, we do not abandon our youth at 40. On the contrary. We are sure of ourselves, we finally have some savings and we begin to live again. The children have grown up, the house too and the girlfriends are still there. Midlife crisis? has-been. Today, we savor our 40th birthday as we celebrated our majority a few years ago.

Nowadays, it is no longer necessary to be 20 years old and all your teeth to feel good about yourself and enjoy the aura of a strong and enterprising woman. Just like Jennifer Lopez, Eva Longoria or Audrey Fleurot, life from the age of 40 is to be crunched to the fullest!

1. Who runs the world?

So teenagers and young ladies of 25 can officially close their doors. We have experience and we know what we are talking about when we approach men and everyday life.

2. Our body changes but we maintain it

We finally understood that the sport could change everything. We decided to get into it two or three years ago and we’ve never been in such good shape. Physical activity is essential to preserve your figure and stay healthy, something that we had not assimilated in the past.

3. The pride of eating a balanced diet

Years passed and we finally understood the importance of healthy eating. We also have more means to shop and we favor good products. In addition, cooking becomes a real hobby.

4. No more diapers

The children have grown up and we can finally breathe. They manage like chefs and that gives us time for ourselves. How nice…

5. Zen at all costs

We stopped worrying about a yes or a no. The loan is almost repaid and we finally manage to breathe. Now make way for relaxation.

6. Acne, never again

Our skin has never been so beautiful. We know how to make this stay more pleasant and the products we use are very effective. Ah, and the little imperfections that we sported at 23 have officially disappeared.

7. We know how to show off

Over time, we learned to love our shapes and embellish them. The little 30-brush babes can therefore get dressed, the real guns are coming.

8. We have fun in bed

The more the years pass, the more we have fun under the duvet. We know our body! As a result, we try new “experiments” and we know what we need to appreciate the moment.

9. Our decisions are more “thoughtful”

We know what we need and what is good for us. Especially when it comes to romantic relationship, job or friendship. Let’s say that we are starting to get drunk and we know what to absolutely avoid to be HAPPY.

10. Bye bye social pressure

We are over 40 years old and we are finally let go with certain delicate themes such as marriage or children. Family and friends realize that we do what we want and that in any case, they have no say. We may have repeated to them that we didn’t want a husband or children, they didn’t want to hear it until today.

11. We make more money

The money is chic. We can say what we want, that’s obvious. We have more means than when we gave birth to our first toddler.

12. Little wrinkles are our friends

We learn to love them, to camouflage them and above all to assume them. These little wrinkles that frightened us so much are part of us and we even end up getting attached to them.

13. Mom stopped bitching

Well, she’s still moaning but has officially stopped pushing us back for a “yes” or a “no”. Frankly, it’s priceless.

14. Kate Winslet is the same age as us.

And she too celebrated her 40th birthday in 2015. Nothing to be afraid of, then.

15. Make-up is our ally

After all these years, we know how to master the art of makeup. We wear this successful make-up daily, which highlights our features with elegance. The class.

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These stars have already turned 40:

Stars: there is no age to be sublime!
Sophie Marceau
Kate Moss
Charlotte Gainsbourg
Gwyneth Paltrow
Monica Bellucci
Cate Blanchett
Sandra Bullock
Julia Roberts
Eva Mendes

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