15 things to NEVER do with a baby

When you are young parents, you want to do well with your baby but with injunctions coming from all sides (parental press, family, friends, media), it is not always easy to navigate, the advice being sometimes contradictory. So, to help you see it more clearly, here are some basics: the things you should NOT do with baby.

In his room

Not to do : Put a sheet, a blanket, a profusion of soft toys and toys in the crib.
Why ? In order to limit the risk of suffocation for babies who do not have the reflex to move their face if they find themselves buried during their sleep.
So what do I do ? Put as little as possible in the crib. Ideally, lay baby in his bed directly on the fitted sheet in a sleeping bag and with his blanket. No need to add a sheet or blanket. Warm sleeping bags with long sleeves are available for particularly cold regions or periods.

Not to do : Lay baby on his stomach.
Why ? Because of the risk of suffocation.
So what do I do ? Lay him on his back. If your baby really doesn’t want to sleep on his back, try placing him on his side. To keep it in this position, there are small cushions designed to support baby.

Not to do : Let baby fall asleep in his bed with his bottle of milk.
Why ? First of all because of the risk of taking the wrong path, then, if he keeps this bad habit, the risk of cavities and destruction of the enamel by the milk.
So what do I do ? Wait until the bottle is finished to put baby to bed. If he feels a need to suck to fall asleep, prefer the pacifier.
In terms of dental hygiene, brush your baby’s gums and then baby teeth with a silicone brush. It’s a great habit to start at a young age. Later, you will use a small toothbrush with toothpaste suitable for the little ones.

Not to do : Put away new baby clothes before washing them.
Why ? Because they still contain the irritating substances used in their production. They have also been touched by many people (salespeople, customers, etc.) which is not necessarily very clean.
So what do I do ? Before putting them away, wash them with a suitable detergent. To respect the sensitive skin of your little treasure, opt for a mild detergent with a hypoallergenic scent like Le Chat Sensitive. Once completely dry, the clothes can be worn.

In the bathroom

Not to do : Leave him alone in his bath, even for a minute.
Why ? Because of the risk of drowning which can occur in less than 3 centimeters of water and in a few minutes.
So what do I do ? When baby is in the bath, always stay with him. Do not go to answer the phone or in the kitchen to check that nothing is burning.
This constant supervision must also be applied with older children. Before 5 years old, do not leave your child alone in his bath.

Not to do : Use regular cotton swabs to clean baby’s ears.
Why ? Because they can damage baby’s eardrums that can be touched by cleaning his ears. In addition, cotton swabs may also create a plug of earwax in the ear canal.
So what do I do ? Use cotton swabs specially designed for small ears and moisten them before use. You can also roll a compress and moisten it before gently inserting it into baby’s ear canal.

Not to do : Shave baby’s head to promote faster and more beautiful hair regrowth.
Why ? Because babies sweat a lot on their heads and their hair plays a key role in regulating their temperature.
So what do I do ? I leave him with his little baby hair.

Not to do : Wash baby with products containing perfumes.
Why ? Because perfumes contain additives and components that risk attacking baby’s sensitive skin and causing allergies.
So what do I do ? Use products that are fragrance-free, alcohol-free. Ideally check that the products do not contain endocrine disruptors and bet on organic and / or natural products.

In the kitchen

Not to do : Give honey before the age of one (not even on a pacifier or on the finger to relieve a suffering baby).
Why ? Because in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), the French Food Safety Agency (Afssa) strongly advises against it. Indeed, honey can contain spores of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum which can be fatal for children under 12 months because they have an immature intestinal flora.
According to the report of the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES) “Infant botulism occurs in infants less than 12 months of age after ingestion of Clostridium botulininum spores. The germination of the spores in the intestine of the infant is accompanied by the production of toxin which causes more or less severe clinical symptoms which can go as far as the death of the infant by cardio-respiratory arrest. The infant’s immature intestinal flora is unable to inhibit colonization by C. botulinum which then develops toxins. “
So what do I do ? Wait until baby is 1 year old to introduce him to the taste and benefits of honey.

Not to do : Delay the introduction of food allergens (egg, peanut, seafood…) if your child does not have strong hereditary risks of allergies.
Why ? Opinions differ on the issue but the latest reports advise not to wait before introducing possibly allergenic foods. An early introduction would protect the immune system. On the contrary, delaying this introduction would be an element favoring the appearance of allergies.
So what do I do ? Talk to your doctor and, if he encourages you to do this, introduce very small amounts of potentially allergenic foods before the baby is 1 year old.

In the living room

Not to do : Let baby sleep in his maxi-cozy.
Why ? Because a newborn cannot hold its head alone. If his head falls forward during sleep he risks suffocation.
So what do I do ? Use the maxi-cozy for short trips with baby. For long trips with an infant, prefer a carrycot. If baby is traveling in a maxi-cozy, take regular breaks to take him out.

Not to do : Shake baby.
Why ? Because he is extremely fragile and vigorously shaking baby can cause irreversible damage to his brain, which can lead to death.
So what do I do ? For fun with baby, play soft, tickle, cuddle and wait a bit to move on to more energetic games.
If you are exhausted (due to fatigue, baby cries etc.) never shake it. If you are not alone, have someone else take care of your baby. You are alone ? Try to involve someone if you are afraid of harming your baby (a brother, a sister, a godmother, a godfather, a mother, grandparents, a friend…).

Not to do : Use a baby walker.
Why ? Their dangerousness has been recognized, they are even banned in certain countries such as Canada. In addition, the constitution (back and legs) of a baby is not strong enough to allow him to hold the posture imposed by this type of object.
So what do I do ? Wait a few months for your baby to grow up or just go without.

Under the sun

Not to do : Use sunscreen before the baby is 6 months old.
Why ? Baby has very fragile skin and the anti-UV products contained in sunscreen could cause reactions or even allergies.
So what do I do ? Do not expose baby to the sun. Protect it with a hat and UV protective clothing. If you go on vacation to particularly sunny places, go to the beach with your baby in the morning or evening from 5 p.m.

Not to do : Completely cover baby’s pram a sheet or fabric to protect it from the sun.
Why ? Because an oven is created in the pram. The temperature there will be several degrees higher than the temperature felt outside.
So what do I do ? Avoid going out during the hottest hours of the day and prefer to use a stroller umbrella or a ventilated fabric (such as a mosquito net) to protect baby.

Not to do : Too much coverage baby.
Why ? Because this can lead to hyperthermia in him, a source of excessive sweating and dehydration.
So what do I do ? We usually recommend dressing baby with a diaper more than yourself (to compensate for the fact that he moves little, unlike us).
For the night, refer to this infographic. Don’t overheat his room, either. The right temperature for sleeping at night is 18 or 19 °.

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