17-year-old girl dies after falling six stories

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A district of Toulouse is in shock after the sudden death of a teenager, on the night of Friday June 2 to Saturday June 3. The 17-year-old succumbed to her injuries after falling six stories.

This Saturday, June 3, it was past 2 a.m. when the inhabitants of the La Cartoucherie district, in Toulouse, heard a “fracas”. A witness recounts the facts in the columns of The Dispatch : “There was a young girl on the floor who had just fallen from the sixth floor.” A few seconds earlier, the teenager had toppled over the balcony of the family apartment, allée Georges-Charpak, facing the tram tracks. Several witnesses, shocked, saw the young girl fall.

Quickly, firefighters and a Samu team were mobilized on site. They tried everything to resuscitate the girl, without success. They then transported her to the emergency room of the Purpan hospital center, located not far from the district. But the girl had already succumbed to her injuries : his death was declared in the hospital. The police secured the area.

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Two family members who witnessed the tragedy

An investigation has been opened to determine if the girl threw herself from the balcony, if she fell accidentally or if another person was responsible for her fall. Two members of his family were present in the apartment when she fell. This tragedy follows other similar cases that have occurred in recent months. In Bagneux (Hauts-de-Seine), last April, a 13 year old fell from the family apartment located on the 9th floor of his building. A month earlier, it was in Poissy (Yvelines) thata 3-year-old child fell 17 meters ; quickly hospitalized, he escaped death.

This type of drama is very common: according to Public Health France, 200 children under the age of 15 die each year due to a domestic accident. According to a report by the Health Watch Institute, falls are the leading cause (60%), far ahead of blows and collisions (19%).


Passionate about writing, Floréane is interested in a wide variety of subjects. When she’s not writing about current events, the environment or gender issues, she takes refuge under a blanket…

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