17-year-old in Golf – provisional license holder caught speeding at 156 km/h

He had barely received his provisional driving license when he was gone again: On Sunday evening, a 17-year-old raced in his Golf at 156 km/h at the Voralpenkreuz on the Innkreis motorway, where only a speed of 100 km/h is permitted.

Police officers carried out speed checks along the A8 on Sunday evening at around 9.30 p.m., including at the Voralpenkreuz motorway junction. At a point where the speed limit is “only” 100 km/h, a Golf raced past.In it was a 17-year-old from the Kirchdorf district, who was speeding along the motorway at 156 km/h. The young speeder lost his provisional license and was prohibited from driving any further. He will be reported to the Wels-Land district authority.Car confiscationThe 17-year-old was “lucky”: According to the new speeding law, if the speed limit is exceeded by 70 km/h outside of built-up areas, the investigation into the confiscation of the car is initiated. The young man was driving 56 km/h too fast.
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