2021 season – costs of almost 40 million francs – this is the Formula 1 crash ranking


A portal has calculated how many costs the respective Formula 1 drivers have caused with crashes this season. Here, too, world champion Verstappen is at the forefront.

1 / 20th

20th. Esteban Ocon (Alpine): Around 291 ‘000 francs.

Pool via REUTERS

19. Fernando Alonso (Alpine): Around 327,500 francs.

19th. Fernando Alonso (Alpine): Around 327’500 francs.


18. Sebastian Vettel (Aston Martin): Around 686,200 francs.

18th. Sebastian Vettel (Aston Martin): Around 686’200 francs.

Pool via REUTERS

  • 2021 was probably the most exciting Formula 1 season in history.

  • Max Verstappen was able to win the world title in the last round.

  • But who is ahead in the crash cost ranking? Here too, Verstappen beats his opponent Lewis Hamilton.

The Formula 1 season ended with a spectacular final on December 12th in Abu Dhabi. Red Bull driver Max Verstappen was able to prevail in the very last lap against his rival Lewis Hamilton in the fight for the world championship. The “f1maximaal” portal has now created another exciting ranking list for the past Formula 1 season – the accident costs of every driver.

In total, the 20 Formula 1 drivers caused almost 40 million Swiss francs this year as a result of crashes and damage. While Esteban Ocon and Fernando Alonso together did not even cause a million francs for their Alpine team, other drivers alone caused several million francs in accident costs. Max Verstappen can also be found in the top places in this ranking.

The entire ranking and the amounts per driver can be found in the slide show above.

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