2022 legislative results: focus on Paris, Lyon, Marseille

INFOGRAPHICS – Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s thrust makes certain battles difficult for the presidential majority. What about the three major cities of France?

The presidential majority, united under the label Ensemble!, beat Nupes by just over 21,000 votes, out of 23.3 million voters in the first round (25.75% of the vote, against 25.66% for la Nupes) and keeps the advantage in the projections of the 577 seats of deputies. But the suspense is total to know if Emmanuel Macron will manage, two months after his re-election, to keep an absolute majority of 289 seats allowing him to pass his reforms, starting with that of pensions.

The two camps have one week to ward off record abstention which reached 52.49% of registered voters, exceeding the previous one in 2017 (51.3%).

But Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s push makes some difficult battles for the presidential majority. What about the three major cities of France? Visualize the results with our three maps.

What result in Paris, Marseille and Lyon?

Paris cut in two between Nupes and Together!

A Nupes wave swept over Paris, on the evening of the first round of the legislative elections. Indeed, the candidates of the left-wing coalition come first in twelve constituencies, out of the eighteen in the capital. Three candidates from the left-wing coalition from the ranks of the Insoumis were even elected in the first round in Paris. For their part, the ministers Clément Beaune and Stanislas Guérini suffered the decline of the majority and saw their position threatened.

The north-east of Paris had voted for Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the first round of the presidential election: this anchoring was confirmed with the election in the first round of the legislative elections of Danièle Obono (17th district of Paris), re-elected, of Sarah Legrain (16th district of Paris) and Sophia Chikirou (6th district of Paris).

For the Macron camp, the atmosphere is not the same as in 2017. The candidates of LREM and its allies came out on top in 16 out of 18 constituencies in the first round of the 2017 legislative elections to finally win thirteen seats. This time together! only dominates in six constituencies in the west.

The Republicans, who had saved two constituencies in western Paris in 2017, survived the first round only in these, but in unfavorable ballots, in particular the outgoing Brigitte Kuster (4th constituency of Paris).

SEE ALSO – Legislative: Nupes calls for “thwarting the projections” of the second round

In Marseille, the Nupes in force

The ballot in the Bouches-du-Rhône was marked by a strong push from the left and the National Rally while the presidential majority shows a fall. The Macron camp, with nine seats in the Bouches-du-Rhône, has already lost four deputies. For its part, LR is literally in distress: strong with five deputies in 2017, out of the 16 constituencies of the department, Les Républicains have already lost four on Sunday evening, failing to qualify their candidates.

In Marseille Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who gave up running for the legislative elections, ceded his constituency, historically anchored on the left, to his campaign manager, Manuel Bompard. The latter was almost elected in the first round. But failing to reach 25% of registered voters, due to massive abstention (61.17%), he will have to submit to a new vote. A second round, however, without surprise.

In total, the united left qualified ten of its representatives in the second round in the department, against barely three five years ago. And out of the seven constituencies of the second city of France, Nupes has qualified five of its representatives.

The National Rally has made very strong progress in the department, where it is in the second round in eight of the nine “circos”, failing only to cross the course in the 14th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône, around Aix-en -Provence.

SEE ALSO – Legislative 2022: Jordan Bardella calls on the voters of Éric Zemmour and the “sincere patriots of LR” to block “the macronie”

In Lyon, the presidential majority mistreated

The union of the left is very strong by qualifying 11 candidates and making big scores in Lyon, Villeurbanne and Vénissieux. Laminated in 2017 in the Rhône, the left took its revenge: it took the lead in 6 constituencies. Together ! came out on top in 7 of the 12 constituencies she holds.

The Republicans confirm their current bad trend. They only qualify in three Rhône constituencies (the 7th, 8th and 9th Rhône constituencies).

Note that no candidate from the nationalist right will be present in the second round. With 21.7% of the vote, Damien Monchau, engaged in the 14th constituency (Vénissieux), fails to qualify, unlike 2017.

SEE ALSO – “It’s absolutely dramatic”, some voters are worried at the end of the first round of the legislative elections

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