2024 legislative elections: allowances, office expenses, travel… What are the advantages of deputies?

Ophélie Artaud / Photo credit: MAXIME GRUSS / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP (Illustration)

577 new deputies will be elected on July 7, following the early legislative elections. If they obviously receive compensation for their parliamentary functions, elected representatives of the National Assembly also have other advantages, both financial and material. Europe 1 takes stock.

First of all, the basic remuneration of deputies amounts to 5,931.95 euros gross per month, details the National Assembly website. To this is added a residence allowance of 177.96 euros, as well as a job allowance, which amounts to 1,527.48 euros. In total, this represents 7,637.39 euros gross, or 5,953.34 euros net monthly. Depending on their functions, they may also obtain special allowances, which are in addition to the basic ones.

An envelope for money order fees

Also, material resources are made available to deputies to enable them to carry out their duties. Starting with the advance of the mandate costs: this allocation, which amounts to 5,950 euros per month, allows elected officials to pay for their permanence, to cover the costs linked to their travel, their accommodation, their documentation or even receptions or performances.

Moreover, last January, a majority of deputies voted in favor of an increase of 305 euros in this envelope, which provoked heated reactions.

Advantages for traveling…

Each MP also obtains a personal card to travel free of charge by train on the SNCF network – whether in 1st or 2nd class – particularly to come from their constituency, as well as a Navigo pass, to travel on the RATP network. To travel around Paris and the Paris region, they can also take advantage of the chauffeur-driven cars available to the National Assembly.

The Palais-Bourbon covers the taxi travel costs of deputies in the exercise of their mandate, whether in France or abroad. Likewise, part of the plane travel is covered by the Assembly, according to precise conditions which differ if the deputy is elected in mainland France or overseas.

…and for accommodation

MPs benefit from housing assistance. If some of them have the possibility of sleeping directly in their office at the Palais-Bourbon, others can take advantage of the 51 rooms of the Residence of the National Assembly. If these are all occupied and they have to spend the night in a hotel, the room is reimbursed up to 200 euros.

MPs renting a pied-à-terre in Paris or in a neighboring town can be reimbursed 1,200 euros of their rent each month. This is only aimed at elected officials who do not have an accommodation solution in the Paris region.

Assistance for childcare

Finally, a childcare allowance of a monthly amount of 323.76 euros can be paid to children under 3 years old.

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