2027 presidential election: Le Pen at the top of voting intentions in the first round, uncertainty in the second

In this Ifop study for Current Values, the far-right leader garners 36% of voting intentions in the first round (+3 points in one month), ahead of the Macronist candidate, at 22%, whether the latter is the current Prime Minister (-1 point) or his predecessor Edouard Philippe (-3 points).

Jean-Luc Mélenchon comes third, at 14% (+1 point) in both hypotheses. Eric Zemmour (6%), Laurent Wauquiez (4.5 to 5.5%), Fabien Roussel (4 to 4.5%), Jean Lassalle (3%), Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Marine Tondelier, Olivier Faure, Philippe Poutou and Nathalie Arthaud are far behind.

Marine Le Pen obtains her best scores among 50-64 year olds

In the second round, assuming Edouard Philippe, he and Marine Le Pen each receive 50% of the voting intentions. Gabriel Attal obtains 49% against 51% for the RN deputy, a difference included within the margin of error.

In these duels, Marine Le Pen obtains her best scores among those aged 50-64 (61% against Edouard Philippe, 63% against Gabriel Attal), artisans and traders (66 to 71%), workers (73 to 74 %) and people with a BEP or CAP as their highest qualification (69 to 73%).

Le Pen leads the polls: a first

In the hypothesis of a second round pitting Marine against Le Pen against Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the first collects 64% of voting intentions, against 36% for the LFI leader. This is the first time that Marine Le Pen, three-time presidential candidate and two-time finalist, has obtained such a high score in a first round poll, also 13 points higher than her 2022 score.

The one who lost to Emmanuel Macron by collecting 41% of the votes has, however, already been designated the winner of a presidential election in an opinion study: in September 2014, in an Ifop poll, she received 54% of votes. voting intentions in a duel against outgoing President François Hollande (46%) if the election took place the following Sunday.

Survey conducted by self-administered online questionnaire from January 31 to February 1, among a sample of 1,081 people registered on the electoral lists, taken from a sample of 1,216 people, representative of the French population aged 18 and over , according to the quota method. Margin of error between 1.4 and 3.1 points.

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