25-year-old accused – criminal trial after death from substitute drug

The defendant is addicted. She has been taking a drug substitute for therapy for six years. She is said to have given these Compensan tablets to a friend (29) after a night of drinking – it was fatal for him. “He asked me to do it,” the 25-year-old defends herself and says: “I only gave him one.”

Public Prosecutor Sabine Krünes accuses the accused (25) of multiple criminal record of grossly negligent homicide. She is said to have given her friend “several tablets” on November 11, although she knew that the medication was only available on prescription, explains Krünes. The trial assistant finds the prosecution “excessive” and pleads for acquittal: The 29-year-old asked the defendant specifically about the tablets. The visibly ailing 25-year-old also tells the judge Marlene Swozil: “I only gave him one tablet.” First only half a pill, then later the rest. She also asked several times and looked how he was doing.

Defendants denied allegations

The evening before, the 29-year-old had visited the addict – with five grams of cocaine and half a bottle of whiskey. After they both consumed through the night, he asked about the morphine-like drug substitute: “He was begging and crying for it. He wanted even more, but I didn’t. ”The 29-year-old passed away on the same day. The 25-year-old had called the rescue in vain.

The judge adjourned to obtain an opinion.