26 MPs from the majority contest the reductions in contributions granted in 2016

“We were told that we had to bring money into the state coffers…”, justifies Sacha Houlié, president of the law commission. With about twenty deputies from the majority, including the former adviser to Emmanuel Macron on social issues Marc Ferracci, or even Laurence Heydel Grillere, the deputy Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, the deputy for Vienne tabled an amendment the Social Security financing bill, removing certain reductions in contributions granted under the Hollande five-year term. A departure from the policy of the offer defended at the Elysée and Bercy.

The proposal removes the 1.8 point reduction in the family allowance contribution rate on wages between 2.5 and 3.5 smic, decided in 2016 as part of the responsibility pact. A measurement “whose effectiveness could not be proven”, specifies the amendment of the twenty-six deputies, which quotes a note of the Council of economic analysis, organization of research attached to Matignon. The amendment, which would bring in 1.5 billion euros, according to Sacha Houlié, is currently the subject of discussions with Matignon. It could offset part of the tax cuts granted to companies such as the contribution on added value (CVAE), which brings in 8 billion per year and whose abolition is scheduled over two years, in 2023 and 2024.

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“This is not an appeal amendment at all”, confirms MP Marc Ferracci, who argues that at this salary level the exemptions are “captured by employees”, as they are generally transformed into pay rises. So that these reductions are “no effect on employment and competitiveness”. “We must not vitrify our socio-fiscal system”he argues.

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