28% of toys sold online are dangerous, according to the DGCCRF


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The DGCCRF checked 450 toys sold on various websites between 2018 and 2021. According to their surveys, more than one in four products would be dangerous and non-compliant.

The results are edifying. Each year, the DGCCRF (Directorate General for Competition, Consumption and Fraud Control) checks hundreds of references on the children’s toy market. And for good reason, even today, many products sold are either non-compliant with French regulations or dangerous … if not both at the same time. A plague denounced in a recent reportingtarget = “_ blank”> broadcast on TF1. According to them, more than one in four toys tested through the repression of fraud is dangerous.

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60% of the toys tested have anomalies

The experts targeted 450 toys, sold on various trendy marketplaces such as Wish or Aliexpress. They have been tested for safety and compliance by the Joint Laboratory Service (SCL). Result: more than 60% of them are “not in accordance with French standards and 28% represent a danger, reports LCI. Among them, soft toys, paint boxes, and even light garlands. “Two in three present a risk of electrocution or even fire”, reveal the journalists.

More and more frequent dangers on the Internet according to the last one investigationtarget = “_ blank”> from the DGCCRF, conducted in 2020 and published on October 15. The repression of fraud is sounding the alarm on products sold in marketplaces, it ensures that “this cumulative failure rate of 60% (on products sold on marketplaces editor’s note) is significantly higher than the results usually seen in surveys targeting the same products in more ‘traditional’ distribution channels “. In addition, very often, these articles come from Asia (20%).

To stem this phenomenon, the French authorities promise to react. For now, the European Commission has proposed a series of measurestarget = “_ blank”>, “12 principles to concretely improve the safety of the products offered and react appropriately in the event of a recall of a dangerous product”.

How do you know if a toy is safe?

To ensure that a toy complies with the standards in force and is safe for the child, it is essential to check certain criteria, like :

  • the CE marking, certifies that the product meets the safety requirements set by European legislation in terms of safety, health and respect for the environment. The logo must be perfectly legible, visible and indelible on the toy, its label or its packaging, in which case it may be a case of deception.
  • The NF EN 71 standard, ensures the safety and longevity of the product. Among other things, it guarantees that toys intended for children under the age of 3 are safe from toxicity and flammability.
  • The mention of age, on the toy or the packaging indicates whether it is suitable for the child and his abilities.

More tips:

  • Read the toy’s instructions for use and all warnings to consider potential hazards.
  • Favor toys and games with simple mechanisms for the child.
  • Be careful of products with batteries or connections.
  • Also check all the small details of a soft toy, a baby (his eyes, nose) to see if they are secure.

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