2876 euros of treasure recovered on average!

2.7million searches for savings or forgotten bank accounts have been launched in 5 years on Ciclade.fr, a site dedicated to dormant assets. 550 million euros have been returned, a jackpot of almost 3,000 euros for the nearly 200,000 French people whose search has been successful.

7.18 billion euros and 10.7 million accounts: here is the huge jackpot transferred to Caisse des Dépts since July 2016 and the implementation of the Eckert law. This law comes into force during the quinquennium Holland has made it possible to launch CicladeCaisse des Dépts platform dedicated to the search for forgotten or unclaimed accounts or investments, at the beginning of 2017. If half a billion euros have already been returned by right thanks to Ciclade, 326 million euros have been paid back to the State for lack of having claimed time (see the deadlines in the tables below). Corn 6.3 billion euros are still to be recovered from Cicladeas revealed The Parisian Sunday.

In 5 years, no less than 2.7 million searches have been carried out on Ciclade, in search of unclaimed life insurance, a bank account that has been inactive for too long, or a forgotten employee savings plan. These requests resulted in 227564 requests restitution, between January 2017 and December 2021, as detailed by the MoneyVox deposit office. Once the request has been made, the services of the Caisse des Dépts verify the good faith of the request, using the supporting documents sent (identity documents, inheritance, etc.). In 5 years, nearly 191,500 requests have thus been successful! For 2876euros of forgotten treasure, on average, per beneficiary.

Manual. Livret A, savings account, life insurance… What if you could recover a forgotten treasure without knowing it?

Life insurance and employee savings: the biggest forgotten treasures

Three major families of banking and savings products can be found on Ciclade, for lack of having been claimed in time from the bank or the insurer: Bank accounts (passbook A, LDDS, LEP, PEL, Codevi, current account, securities account, etc.), the life insurance and the company savings plans (PEE).

In 5 years, at the end of 2021, a little over 550 million euros have been returned in total. If two thirds of the products found thanks to Ciclade are bank accounts, the amounts returned are much higher for insurance and employee savings, according to detailed statistics by the MoneyVox deposit fund:

  • Bank accounts in dshrence: 364.79 million euros recovered by their beneficiaries thanks to Ciclade (66.3% of the amounts returned), for a average amount of 2228 euros.
  • Forgot employee savings: 45.09 million euros returned (8.2% of the total amount recovered via Ciclade). Average amount of treasure found after forgetting PEE: 6209 euros.
  • Unclaimed life insurance (including capitalization bonds and contracts): 140.6 million euros have been returned over 5 years via Ciclade (25.5% of the amounts recovered by individuals). Average amount of the jackpot recovered by these beneficiaries who had not claimed or had not succeeded in recovering this money previously: 6886 euros per application file that resulted in Ciclade.

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When is forgotten savings available on Ciclade?

Please note, as the Caisse des Dépts repeats, Ciclade is last chance website to recover your forgotten or unclaimed funds. Once a bank account is considered inactive, the bank is already supposed to send a letter to the holder, inviting him to come forward to avoid having his account closed. Then the money remains available for 10 years the bank (see detail below), and it is only once this time has elapsed that the money will be transferred for 20 years to the Caisse des dpts. It is during this period of 20 years that the money is available on Ciclade.

In 2021, no less than 696 million euros and approximately 760,000 accounts have still joined Ciclade, for lack of having been claimed from banks and insurers.

Where is the forgotten money?
For an inactive account whose holder is still alive…
While 10 years

While 20 years
(from the 10th to the 30th year
without having been claimed)

At the end of 30 years
At the bankAt the deposit office
Accessible on Ciclade
reverse the state
For an account whose holder is dcd…
(and not claimed by heirs)
While 3 yearsWhile 27 years old
(from the 10th to the 30th year
without having been claimed)
At the end of 30 years
At the bankAt the deposit office
Accessible on Ciclade
reverse the state
For unclaimed life insurance
(after the death of the holder or the expiry of the contract)
While 10 yearsWhile 20 years
(from the 10th to the 30th year
without having been claimed)
At the end of 30 years
At the insurerAt the deposit office
Accessible on Ciclade
reverse the state

Inactive bank account: what the law provides

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