2XKO: Illaoi’s sprawling gameplay detailed at length ahead of EVO Japan

After several years where the community has been accustomed to calling it Project Lthe fighting game of Riot Games in the universe of League of Legends finally clarified its platforms and its release period in February, with the announcement of its final title, 2XKO. Approaching theEVO Japan 2024he gives us his news througha long trailer of gameplay of 6 minutes introducing the Priestess of the Kraken Illaoi.

There game designer Caroline Montano therefore detailed Illaoiwho will be able to summon the tentacles of Nagakabouros thanks to the totem she wields, being able to block the opponent to deliver powerful combos. However, the latter will have to be in the “splash zone” for these tentacles to act, although certain blows can teleport one to its target. On the other hand, it was clearly stated thatshe is not a puppeteer, the latter being more of a form of reward for playing well, including moving correctly and taking calculated risks to take control of the fight. The tentacles can also be lost if the opponent touches them. And even if it can make them appear from a distance, the latter will therefore have a way to counter them.

  • S1 Super: Crashing Waves – Illaoi grabs his opponent, swings him over his head and throws him to the ground twice. If she already has a tentacle up, holding S1 will reposition it so she can stay on the attack after her Super ends.
  • S2 Super: Wrath of Nagakabouros – Summons giant tentacles that strike the ground around them. It also turns all already active tentacles into giant tentacles and leaves one behind after it ends. This can be an extremely oppressive blow; but if Illaoi or his duo are hit at any point during the Super, his tentacles will disappear. It is therefore safer to use it against a knocked-out opponent.
  • Ultimate: Test of Spirit – Sends his opponent’s soul into the depths, where he will come face to face with Nagakabouros. A move with a very fast and invulnerable start-up, making it ideal for ending combos, as punishment, or for hitting an assist away.

Moreover, fans have noticed that frame kills are usedallowing you to perfectly manage the timing of shots by knowing how many frames every animation has it, even if not all of them seem useful at first glance.

Illaoi will therefore be playableEVO Japan 2024 from April 27 to 29 alongsideEkko, Ahri, Darius And Yasuo. Fingers crossed that other characters will be revealed on this occasion. 2XKO will be released in 2025 on PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC.

If you play League of Legends, Teamfight Tactics, Legends of Runeterra Or Valorantof the Riot Points are on sale on Amazon Or to the Fnac.

thumbnail editorAlexandre SAMSON (Omega Law)
Addicted to Assassin’s Creed and Destiny, big fan of RPGs and passionate about video game experiences in general. Reader of comics (DC) and various mangas (One Piece!). Chemist by training and Whovian at heart.
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