3 free months of Netflix: This email promises you a free premium subscription?


Netflix customers are currently receiving an email with a tempting discount. They are supposed to be able to use the premium subscription for free for 3 months. But there is a catch.

Is Netflix really offering you 3 months free? (Source: rafapress/depositphotos.com)

The price increases at Netflix are never-ending. You now have to pay 19.99 euros for a premium subscription. Then an email from the streaming service comes along offering you the expensive package for free for three months, just in time. In fact, many Netflix customers are currently receiving such a message in their inboxes. However, you shouldn’t act too hastily, because there’s something wrong with the email.

Experienced users may be suspicious when they see the subject line of the message. This is either “Please confirm your payment information / request verification” or “Your membership has expired!”. Before the actual special offer, it also says that your subscription has expired and that you need to update your payment method in order to continue using Netflix.

If you already suspect that this is a phishing email, you are absolutely right. The senders are not trying to do you any good with this scam, but rather to get their hands on your sensitive data. The discount of three free months is just a lure.

You must not trust this email.

You should not trust this email. (Source: Consumer Advice Center)

The scammers want you to click on the attached link labeled “Renew”. According to the consumer advice center, this leads to a fake Netflix page. There you will be asked to provide your login and bank details.

Don’t be blinded by the offer and don’t be confused by the claims. Based on the sender address, the greeting with your email address and the request to disclose your data, it quickly becomes clear that this is an attempt at fraud. The email should end up in the spam folder without being answered.

Simple signs: How to recognize every phishing email

A first indication that you have received a phishing email: You will be asked to confirm personal data or enter it on a website. This You should not comply with this demand under any circumstancesIn addition, criminals often use the official logos of the companies they are copying in their emails, but not official sender addresses.

If the sender seems suspicious to you, you should read the email twice. This will often help you find spelling mistakes or inconsistencies in German grammar. The attackers usually don’t write their emails themselves, but instead use automatically generated messages or translate known emails using a translation program. But why all the effort?

What do criminals achieve with phishing attacks?

Phishing is used on the Internet to collect real user data. Money can be made from this when email addresses, names and other information are sold for advertising purposes or passed on in criminal forums. With the data obtained, cyber criminals can also target future phishing attacks more specifically and their attacks become more effective.

Have you received a suspicious email?

Forward it to [email protected]
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Phishing Checklist

  • Spelling mistake?

  • Sensitive data requested?

  • Official logos?

  • Unknown sender?

Attachments and links contained in malicious emails often introduce malware or viruses onto your computer. And don’t ignore suspicious emails. Forward them to the email address above and help us report future phishing attacks.

More fraud warnings on netzwelt – Stay one step ahead of cyber criminals

But phishing emails are not the only danger lurking on the Internet. In addition to attempted fraud, there are all kinds of viruses, Trojans and malware that can infect your computer. Unfortunately, data scandals are also part of everyday digital life. You can see the five most recent articles on the topic of “fraud warnings” below:

Do you want to stay informed about the latest fraud reports, subscribe to netzwelt on TwitterFacebook and Instagram. You can also find all articles on the topic on the next page.

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