3 million players have discovered the story of A Plague Tale: Requiem

Released on October 18, 2022 on all consoles, A Plague Tale: Requiem took 3 million players to medieval Provence. A rather significant milestone for Focus and the French studio Asobo. And since this collaboration has already borne fruit, why not continue. Focus therefore takes advantage of this message to announce that a new project is in development with Asobo Studio.

It took a little over a year to A Plague Tale: Requiem to reach the milestone of 3 million players. Helped by its presence in Game Pass, we do not know how many copies have been sold since its release. This is no less impressive, even if the recipes are not necessarily the same. And that didn’t stop Focus from renewing its collaboration with the Bordeaux studio for a new project about which we don’t yet know anything.

This should not be revealed for some time yet. Indeed, if Focus seems attached to Asobo Studio, the latter does not hesitate to offer its services to anyone who wants. In 2020,
Microsoft Flight Simulator was released on behalf of Microsoft. And a new entry in the series is in development by the Bordeaux team for 2024. Their efforts should therefore focus on this title until its release.

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