3 reasons why sunflower seeds belong on your breakfast schedule

3 reasons why sunflower seeds belong on your breakfast schedule

Sunflower seeds provide the body with many different vitamins.


Did you know that sunflower seeds are high in vitamin E? In the video we explain what other advantages daily consumption brings.

Sunflower seeds can spice up not only salads, but also yoghurt or muesli bowls. But they are also great as a snack between meals. If you haven’t had them on your shopping list yet, you should change that now.

Sunflower seeds have an anti-inflammatory effect

Taking it therefore has various positive effects on our health: just 30 grams of the small seeds cover the daily requirement of vitamin E and they are also anti-inflammatory, among other things. You can find out exactly what advantages daily consumption has in the video.

Source used: yourtango.com


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