3 sentences that mean someone is secretly jealous of you

3 sentences that mean someone is secretly jealous of you

These ambiguous sentences could imply jealousy.

The topic of jealousy is complex and not always easy to understand, especially in friendships. We’ll show you signs that could mean someone is envious of you – and trying to hide it.

Interpersonal relationships are often complex and require sensitivity. While we feel a connection with some people straight away, other people can make us feel uneasy. Particularly when it comes to jealousy, some people tend to show their feelings in subtle ways.

Hidden envy? These 3 sentences should make you sit up and take notice

Of course, one can never generally assume that certain people have bad intentions with their statements. But these three sentences should make you sit up and take notice. Especially if you question a relationship with a certain person in advance.

Source used: experteditor.com


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