3 signs that prove that you have them in your home


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Bed bugs can invade your home, whether you live in the city or in the country. How do you know if you have any? 5 signs that bed bugs are in your home.

Bed bugs are small oval-shaped insects, very flat, wingless and brown in color, recalls the website of the Health Insurance. Bed bugs can affect anyone, whether you live in an apartment, a house, the city or the country. We know that they are still more present in the big cities. And they have nothing to do with cleanliness!

When they come to your home, it is very difficult to get rid of them. If they don’t transmit diseases to humans, they bite you, which is very unpleasant. In some people, the bites of these insects can cause allergic reactions.

Bedbugs are mainly found in bedrooms (mattresses, armchairs), they also like living room sofas, curtains…. “They hate light and only come out at night. They only move by walking a distance of a few meters and are therefore most often transported from place to place when moving an object in which they are staying (bedding, suitcase, bag, clothing, etc.), indicated Ameli.

You notice pitting on your body

The bites are one of the first signs that can alert you to the presence of bed bugs in your home. These stings stand out from the others: “Bedbug bites cause skin lesions in the form of raised red spots (maculopapules), 5 mm to 2 cm, with, in their center, a hemorrhagic red point or a vesicle of clear liquid”recalls the website of the Health Insurance.

Who gets stung first? If there are several of you in the house, only one person can be stung first, the one who generates the most heat.

You notice black marks on your mattress or next to it

Bed bugs can also be spotted because they leave small black spots. They are about 1 to 3 mm and correspond to the excrement of bed bugs. They can be found on the sheets, the mattress, the box spring… You may also notice streaks of blood on the sheets due to the crushing of bedbugs during the night.

You find live or dead bed bugs in your home

Ultimate way to know if you have bed bugs at home: find live or dead ones in your home. Bed bug eggs can also be seen, often around the bed, the curtains or the sofa… Keep an eye out!

In the event of the presence of bedbugs, you can contact a national toll-free number (0 806 706 806) and/or a dedicated website stop-punaises.gouv.fr.

Maude loves to deal with practical subjects, whether they relate to psychology, sex, well-being, and even astro. She also deciphers new fashion trends. She takes …

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