3 signs you’re settling for second best

know your worth
3 signs you’re settling for second best

Whatever the reason, if we don’t stay true to ourselves, we won’t be able to be happy in the long run.


Do you believe in soul mates or have you given up the search long ago? You can find out here whether you are satisfied with less than you are entitled to.

Nowadays, at first glance, it seems easy to find your dream partner. Hobbies, likes and dislikes can be directly stated via dating apps, which for many makes contacting people easier than speaking to someone in public.

That’s why you shouldn’t settle for less

Nevertheless, quite a few seem to be satisfied with someone who doesn’t quite correspond to the ideas that you have in a partnership. In the long run, such a relationship can make you unhappy. But how exactly do we recognize that we “only” settle for second best? In fact, there are three signs by which we can tell. You can find out what these are in the video.

Source used: yourtango.com


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