3 stylish ways to style your hair if you have split ends

Goodbye split ends, here are 3 elegant hairstyles to adopt to protect hair from damage.

Despite regular visits to the hairdresser and despite a hair routine consisting of good nourishing and moisturizing treatments, split ends can easily appear throughout the hair. This phenomenon, also known as “trichoptilosis” or “trichoptilosis”, results in hair ends that divide into two or more parts.

Split ends can be caused by several factors, namely lack of hydration, lack of nutrients in one’s diet, excessive styling but also and above all too frequent use of heated styling appliances. To avoid their appearance, it is therefore recommended to regularly cut the ends of your hair but also to opt for certain “protective” hairstyles, not tight which avoid constant friction.

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1. The glued braid

The glued braid is the perfect hairstyle to look neat while taking care of your hair. Also called “plated braid” or “French braid”, it is made by placing the hair on the skull towards the back. You can do it by taking care not to tighten the strands too much together so that the hair is protected but not attacked by the tightening of the braid.

To create a bonded braid, start by detangling the hair to remove knots and tangles. Then separate the hair into three equal sections at the base of the head. Start braiding by crossing the section of hair from the outside to the middle, alternating between the left and right sections. At each crossover, add a small amount of hair from the outer section into the braid to create a braid laid close to the scalp. Continue braiding like this, gradually adding additional strands of hair at each intersection. Continue braiding until all the hair is included in the braid. Finally, secure the end of the braid with an elastic band.

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2. The fuzzy bun

This is very often the hairstyle that we do between two shampoos, when the hair is oily! Both casual and elegant, it gives the impression of having been made in a spontaneous, natural, almost nonchalant manner.

To create a fuzzy bun, start by detangling your hair to remove any tangles. You can then add texturizing spray or volumizing mousse for even more contrast and volume. Then gather all of your hair towards the top of your head as if to make a ponytail. Be careful not to tighten it too much because you are about to create an impeccable dancer’s bun. Twist the ponytail slightly to create a loose twist. Wrap the twist around the base of the ponytail to form the bun. Some strands will then protrude from the bun which will certainly have an irregular appearance. This is precisely the effect you are looking for to obtain a “blurry” and relaxed result. You can then secure the bun with an elastic, a scrunchie or bobby pins to hold it in place.

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3. The banana bun

A key hairstyle of the 1990s and 2000s, the banana bun fixed with a large clip is back in fashion! Relaxed, it keeps the hair at the back of the head, thus avoiding friction on clothing or attacks of any kind. It is essential to use pliers with rounded teeth that do not attack the hair to avoid any damage.

To create a banana bun, comb your hair to remove knots and, if desired, add a little volume to the hair, all using a texturizing spray or volumizing mousse. As with the fuzzy bun, gather your hair towards the back but this time as if you were going to make a low ponytail. Grab the tail and lift it upwards to create a curve, then wrap the ponytail around itself to form a sort of vertically elongated banana. Fix the rendering with a large pliers and that’s it!

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Passionate about fashion, her eye does not escape any trend born on social networks and on the catwalks. Having fallen in love with the world of beauty, she is also an expert…

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