300,000 new cases per day in France, the pandemic “far from over”… the point on the coronavirus

New measures, new reports and highlights: update on the latest developments in the Covid-19 pandemic around the world.

The situation in France

The daily number of new cases has exceeded 300,000 on average over the past seven days. The daily number of new cases of Covid-19 contamination has exceeded 300,000 on average over the past seven days, according to figures published Tuesday by Public Health France. The daily number of new cases of contamination identified amounted to 464,769 against 102,144 the day before, according to data published by Public Health France. This brings the average over the past seven days to 309,433 daily cases against 281,965 the previous Tuesday. This calculation helps to smooth out the deviations observed from one day to the next, often artificially created by data collection problems.

Critical care services, which receives the most serious cases, had 3,894 Covid patients on Tuesday (including 366 new admissions), against 3,913 the day before and 3,969 the previous Tuesday. The total number of hospitalized patients reached 26,593, of which 3,503 were admitted in 24 hours. The previous Tuesday, 23,371 people were hospitalized. The epidemic has caused the death of 289 people in 24 hours, according to data from the authorities published on Tuesday, bringing the total number of deaths in France since the start of the pandemic, almost two years ago, to 127,690. Infections have experienced a meteoric rise under the pressure of the extremely contagious Omicron variant. But one hope has been confirmed in recent weeks: Omicron is less dangerous than previous incarnations of the virus. It causes fewer hospitalizations, both because populations are better vaccinated and because it is in itself less virulent.

In the field of vaccination, more than 53.6 million people have received at least one injection (79.6% of the total population) and more than 52.3 million now have a complete vaccination schedule (i.e. 77.6% of the total population). Some 32.4 million people received a booster dose.

To read :Covid-19: a new decree for the return of the mask to Paris

French demography less affected. The health crisis was again reflected in 2021 by a notable excess mortality in France, but lower than in 2020, while births and marriages caught up with pre-epidemic levels after a few months of lows.

The situation in the world

The toll in the world: More than 5.5 million dead. The Covid-19 pandemic has killed at least 5,543,637 people worldwide since the end of December 2019, according to a report established by AFP from official sources, Tuesday at midday. In absolute terms, the countries that have recorded the most deaths are the United States (851,730), Brazil (621,166), India (486,761) and Russia (322,678). The WHO estimates, taking into account the excess mortality directly and indirectly linked to Covid-19, that the toll of the pandemic could be two to three times higher than that officially recorded.

The pandemic, “far from over” (WHO). The Covid-19 pandemic “is far from over”, the director general of the World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Tuesday, warning against the idea that the Omicron variant is benign.

No complications with mRNA vaccines. Studies of pregnant women have found that the two most widely used Covid vaccines, made with messenger RNA technology (Pfizer, Moderna), pose no risk to mothers or babies, the agency said on Tuesday. European Medicines (EMA). In France, another study pointed out that these vaccines did not increase the risk of serious cardiovascular problems (infarction, stroke or pulmonary embolism) in people under 75 years old.

Tourism is expected to return to pre-Covid levels in 2024. The arrivals of international tourists in the world should only return to their pre-pandemic level in 2024, according to a barometer made public on Tuesday by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), which forecasts a start to the year 2022 still “disturbed ” by the Omicron variant.

Spain and Scotland ease restrictions. Most of Scotland’s remaining Covid-19 restrictions will be eased from Monday, the Scottish government announced on Tuesday after a “significant drop” in the number of new cases. In Spain, the curfew in force since the end of December in Catalonia (northeast) will be lifted on Friday.

Unvaccinated employees less compensated in the UK. Next, Ikea, Morrisons, Ocado… Some companies in the United Kingdom have taken the side of less compensating their non-vaccinated employees forced to isolate themselves because of Covid-19.

Infected pumas and lions in South Africa. Two pumas and three lions living in captivity in a zoo in South Africa have been infected with Covid-19, the virus having apparently been transmitted by asymptomatic staff members, according to a study published on Tuesday.

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