News tip 3rd person Cyberpunk 2077: How to change the camera angle?
The choice of viewing angle is often debated in video games. In Cyberpunk 2077, the developers have chosen to impose a first-person view, but some would like to be able to use the third person at will. There are a few solutions that we present to you below.
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Summary of all our tips and tricks on Cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom Liberty
- How to play Cyberpunk 2077 in 3rd person without mod?
- How to install the mod that allows you to play Cyberpunk 2077 in 3rd person?
After spending several dozen minutes in character creation at the very beginning of Cyberpunk 2077, you may want to go against the developers’ vision and play the game entirely in 3rd person in order to take advantage of your character’s physique. Unfortunately, this is not really possible in Cyberpunk 2077at least not without a mod. However, there are a few moments where you will be able to switch to third person.
To get around Night City, it’s a safe bet that you’ll choose to drive a vehicle most of the time. Whether in a car or on a motorbike, this moment is precisely the only one where you can leave the first person view aside to embrace a third person view. To do this, once behind the wheel of a vehicle, press the A key on your keyboard or the Right Arrow on your controller several times. This will have the effect of changing the viewing angle, and you will even be able to choose between several possible camera positions. Note that if you drive a motorcycle, you can even finally enjoy customizing your character!
If you want to go further and want to play the entirety of Cyberpunk 2077 in third person, you will only be able to do this by installing a mod on PC. Don’t panic, this mod is very popular and will not be dangerous for your computer. To get started, go to the website Nexusmods and create an account, then download the mod JB – TPP MOD WIP third person. We also advise you to download Cyber Engine Tweakswhich will be responsible for making the mod work in the game. To help you, the easiest way is to follow the following steps:
- Download the latest version of Cyber Engine Tweaks.
- Unzip the Cyber Engine Tweaks .zip file into the Cyberpunk 2077 installation folder. By default on Steam this is: “C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonCyberpunk 2077”. Transpose the elements of the “bin” folder (plugins folder, LICENSE, global.ini, version.dll) into the game’s “x64” folder.
- Download the latest version of JB – TPP MOD WIP third person.
- Unzip the new .zip file into the Cyberpunk 2077 installation folder directly.
- Launch the game, a window will appear and ask you to choose a keyboard shortcut (Hotkey) to open the Cyber Engine Tweaks interface. Choose the key you want, but not one you’re likely to use to play normally.
- Open the interface with this keyboard shortcut, then go to the Hotkeys tab, to choose the keyboard shortcuts you want for the different features.
- Choose the desired shortcuts for the features for the 3rd person view mod, such as Zoom, Zoom out, rotate the camera 360°, change the camera angle, or change camera type.
- You can also choose whether or not to enable switching from third person view when you draw a weapon by changing the “weaponOverride” line to “true”. Or deactivate it by setting it to “false”.
Note that if this mod allows you to achieve your desire to change your viewing angle, the game was not designed to be played that way. We therefore advise you to switch back to first person during fights and during conversations and other cutscenes. Finally, check on Nexusmods that the mod is compatible with the most recent updates when the game releases new ones, which should no longer happen too much.
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