4 effects influencers have on our children

Role models!?
4 effects influencers have on our children

© Maskot / Getty Images

Social media and influencers have become an integral part of our everyday lives. But what are they actually doing with the younger generation, our children?

by Pia Sternhagen

Whether on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube – our children encounter influencers on various platforms. What influence do they actually have on our offspring? Both in the positive and in the negative sense?


Am I actually good enough? Influencers as role models can cloud the self-perception of our children and fertilize self-doubt. Perfect bodies, conjured up even more flawless with the help of filters, are standard on Instagram. But what can we do? Confirmation, confirmation, confirmation – and make it clear that Instagram is also a lot of illusion. In our youth we too had these doubts as to whether others are better, prettier, more intelligent than we are and all that helps is the encouragement of our loved ones to trust in ourselves.

Purchasing power

Influencers need to make money and keep all kinds of products in front of the camera. The great role model brought this particular shower gel onto the market or always talks about eating exactly this or that product for breakfast. It goes without saying that our children want that too, even though they actually don't need it. Of course we don't buy everything for them and are sometimes tough, but let's be honest: As parents, we also think some influencer products are great. Secretly, of course, we don't want to give ourselves away …

Conveying values ​​/ attitudes

Regardless of whether via social media or earlier on television: Our role models give us values ​​and attitudes along the way. Most of the time, we'd like to be like the people we follow and adopt their values. Our children have their own heroes and may believe influencers when they say "Only those who have money are worth something" or "Only those who are slim are also beautiful". Fatal! Here, too, it is important to keep an eye on the kids' role models. But there is another way! For example, the child can become aware of climate protection and “Fridays for Future” and live more environmentally conscious. What more do we want?

FOMO (Fear of missing out)

Influencers travel a lot and like to show photos of classy events and adventures. It goes without saying that our offspring would also like to experience this and is afraid of missing out on something. We try to explain to him / her that this lifestyle does not correspond to the norm and that we can also experience great things at home. But let's be honest: At the moment we get a lot of wanderlust with pictures like this and just want to go to a concert or to another country, right?

It all depends on the influencer

Ultimately, it is important that our children follow the right influencers, with good views and values. It is worth talking to the child regularly about what's going on on social networks and which influencers they find particularly great. Then being "influenced" can also have a lot of good things.