4 signs that you may be a highly sensitive person

4 signs that you may be a highly sensitive person

With these four signs you can tell if you are a highly sensitive person.


Do you have the feeling that you perceive your surroundings more intensely than those around you? This could indicate that you are a highly sensitive person.

Highly sensitive people perceive their surroundings much more intensively than their fellow human beings. These can include loud sounds, bright lights or different smells. In many cases, these people are unaware that they are highly sensitive.

4 characteristics that can indicate a high sensitivity

Researchers assume that around 20 percent of the world’s population has these characteristics. With a few tips and tricks, not only the people themselves, but also the people around them can make everyday life as pleasant as possible for this proportion of the population. In the video you will learn which four signs can indicate that you are a highly sensitive person.

Source used: stylist.co.uk


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