4 traits that prevent you from being happy

Become happier and happier
4 traits that prevent you from being happy

Our own happiness is very often related to how satisfied we are with ourselves.


Sure, we can’t always be in a good mood and happy – after all, the bad days are also part of life. However, some behaviors permanently prevent us from feeling happiness – here’s how you can avoid them.

Life is quite a rollercoaster ride for all of us at times: one moment we couldn’t be happier and more content and the next moment it seems like the whole world has turned against us. However, some people have trouble even grasping their own happiness and stand in their own way with some character traits.

Becoming Happier: This is why some people are never truly happy

Whether we can really be happy always depends on how satisfied we are with ourselves and our environment. When we know we haven’t done enough to get where we want to be, it can take a toll on our confidence and make us unhappy. In the video we tell you four characteristics that people who are not really happy have in common.

Source used: psychologytoday.com


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