45 Palestinians including 15 children were killed in a weekend of clashes

Throughout the weekend, August 6 and 7, the Gaza Strip found itself in flames and bloodshed. Clashes between the Israeli army and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) group rained bombs and rockets on this enclave bordering Egypt. The balance sheet, Monday, August 8, amounted to 45 dead, including 15 children. 360 people were also injured during these clashes.

Many residential buildings were hit by the Israeli army. It was on Friday August 5, at the end of the day, that tensions rose. A building in which a PIJ leader was staying was hit. The strike killed him, but a five-year-old girl also lost her life. The PIJ quickly retaliated, resulting in a two-day crisis that raised fears of a return to war.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In Gaza, a precarious ceasefire and a persistent political stalemate

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