46-year-old mother fatally stabbed by her partner

On Friday April 9, 2021, an alert was given concerning Gloria Lourenço, a 46-year-old mother. After killing her, her partner committed suicide.

It was at her home near Is-sur-Tille, in Côte d’Or, that Gloria Lourenço, a 46-year-old mother, was found dead by gendarmes. The alert was given on Friday April 9 between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m. by the ex-wife of the main suspect, Sébastien Clouet, who is the victim’s spouse. The latter committed suicide by throwing his car from the top of a motorway viaduct near Pouilly-en-Auxois. Shortly before the events, Sébastien Clouet had gone to his ex-wife’s place, confiding in her that he had just killed his current partner and that he was considering committing suicide.

Gloria Lourenço had an eight-year-old son who, fortunately, was not there at the time of the incident. The couple did not live together. The gendarmes of the Is-sur-Tille research brigade and the Dijon research section have opened an investigation for aggravated murder of a spouse. The autopsy reveals that the mother of the family was attacked with fifteen stab wounds to the thorax and neck. Two different weapons, kitchen knives, were reportedly used.

According to France Info, Sébastien Clouet was known to the police for two sentences, one of which was for domestic violence. According to the collective Stop feminicides, it would be the 32nd feminicide of the year 2021.

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How to help women victims of domestic violence?

  • National and anonymous listening number: 39 19
  • In case of emergency: call 17 or 112
  • Online reporting: go to the platform STOP THE VIOLENCE

Melanie Bonvard

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