5 essential oils that promote healing: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Our skin is full of multiple marks accumulated over the years. They can be caused by bites, scratches, or teenage pimples that have had trouble healing. In some cases, the scars leave ugly traces that we would like to see fade. Émile Kapps, naturopath in Paris, reveals several essential oils that manage to reduce the visibility of scars on the body.

First thing to know: the origin of the scar is important. "We will choose an essence according to the scar. If it is related to when removing a mole or an operation, we don’t use the same essential oil ", explains our expert before adding, "Lhe essential oils promote the skin's regeneration process so that the dead cells disappear and allow the skin tissue to tighten. Before applying them, the skin must be disinfected and without inflammation problem. "

Little reminder before using an essential oil: always test it in the crease of your elbow to verify that you are not allergic to it. In case, you can go to a naturopath or a pharmacy professional to direct you towards an essence that suits you. The essential oils cited by Émilie Kapps are also not recommended for children, pregnant and lactating women.

What essential oils to reduce scars?

  • To clean wounds: essential lavender essential oil

First essence cited by our expert: officinal lavender. This essential oil has multiple virtues to reduce the visibility of a mark caused by a cut or notch. Widely used, it is healing, soothing, antiseptic, purifying, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant.

  • For scars left by a mole: Italian helichrysum essential oil

When removing a mole, the wound tends to swell. Italian helichrysum essential oil helps to reduce swelling by preventing the formation of thick and rigid tissue. Regenerating, healing, anti-inflammatory and anti-hematoma, this essence effectively reduces old scars, but it is not indicated for people who follow anticoagulant treatments (blood pressure problems, cardiovascular diseases).

  • To prevent bacteria from growing in the scar: geranium bourbon essential oil

Close to the effects of lavender oil, bourbon geranium prevents contamination of the scar by bacteria and encourages repair thanks to its anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, coagulating and healing properties.

  • To prevent bleeding: cistus essential oil

To limit bleeding, essential oil of cistus ladanifer is ideal. When a wound opens again and becomes infected, it tightens the tissues to speed up healing.

  • For acne scars : verbenone rosemary essential oil

Healing and antibacterial, rosemary verbenone essential oil cleanses and fights acne-related inflammation. It prevents the proliferation of pimples and eliminates bacteria.

Scars and essential oils: how to use them?

Before applying an essence to the damaged part of your skin, you must wait until the wound has been absorbed and it does not bleed anymore. Then you can prepare a mixture based on vegetable oil. Émilie Kapps recommends several such as:

  • Argan vegetable oil: healing and hydrating
  • Calophyll vegetable oil: healing, skin tonic that promotes cell regeneration
  • Musk rose vegetable oil: healing
  • St. John's Wort Oil : anti-inflammatory, soothing and restorative

"I'm not in favor of it mixtures of essential oilsbecause it increases the risk of skin reactions, allergies and photosensitization. There is no need to make a cocktail of essential oils to accelerate healing. Better to choose one that is relevant to the type of scar " develops the specialist. Regarding the application, you dilute a drop of essential oil in vegetable oil. Twice a day, you massage the scar to reduce it.

Thanks to Émilie Kapps, naturopath in Paris

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