5 misconceptions about Generation Z (which they no longer support)

Generation Z has grown up well and so have the stereotypes that accompany it. If today, 15-24 year olds have entered the world of work, they are nevertheless considered to be lazy by previous generations.

No, generation Z, also called generation WTF (Wikipedia, Twitter and Facebook and not What the fuck), is not just another scourge or a cheap generation. On the contrary, more committed than ever, the young people of Generation Z are building the future by caring about their emotions. People born between 1997 and 2012 have always lived with the Internet but have also had to face political, cultural, economic and social events that push them to change society.

Representing 41% of the current global population, according to Influencia, Gen Z will turn the business world upside down as much as companies themselves in the decades to come. Fight against racism, attachment to ecological issues, defense of the rights of minority groups… this is what this category firmly defends. Could fear of change be the cause of the persistence of these clichés against these young people?

“Generation Z doesn’t want to work”

Of course not, Generation Z is not lazy and does not turn its back on the professional sphere. A survey signed by BNP Paribas and The Boson Project has shown that the concern was quite different. Expectations at work are just not the same as before.

Indeed, for the same job, 25% of respondents said they wanted to choose the most fun company, 22% would opt for the most innovative, 21% would work in a more ethical company and 20% would select a job that could do them. to travel.

“These young people have no ambition”

Still according to the results of the BNP Paribas and The Boson Project survey, this new stereotype is once again untrue. Generation Z even has a taste for risk. 47% of respondents would like to found their own start-up and 84.5% of them will choose their profession out of passion.

Young people no longer see ambition only through money but the challenge and interest in the profession. It’s just a matter of perception. In addition, 72% want to be proud of themselves and this stimulates them for their future life.

Read also : “When I was 17, I understood that I did not fit into the norm and that I had to learn to live with it”

“They.are all on their phones and are addicted to social networks”

If young people of the WTF generation generally use smartphones more than previous generations, this technology is not integrated into their flesh and does not make them unsociable. People born between 1997 and 2012 grew up with the Internet and instead of stupefying them, it serves to enrich themselves.

In addition, as Élodie Gentina and Mari-Ève Delécluse explain in their book Generation Z, From Z consumers to Z employees, “Z needs real sociability, digital therefore does not alter the real physical relationship, but on the contrary, it initiates and perpetuates it”.

“Generation Z does not submit to authority”

Contrary to popular belief, the “emos” generation (for emotion) wishes to maintain a certain hierarchy at work, but here again young people exhibit a condition. 67% of them believe that a good manager is supposed to have confidence in his teams and to be attentive for 62% of the respondents of the survey.

“They … they have no interest in politics”

It would be inappropriate during a presidential campaign to tell one of these young people that he or she is not interested in politics. If this were really the case, politicians would not play the “cool attitude” card by currying favor with the under-25s on social media.

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What if we forgot intergenerational stereotypes to look to a promising future? Although it is utopian talk, dreaming of a world full of unicorns gives hope for “tur-fu”.

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