5 mistakes almost everyone makes when vacuuming

Double work
5 mistakes that we will avoid when vacuuming in the future

Mistakes can quickly creep in when vacuuming.


Vacuuming is easy, isn’t it? Experts have a different opinion and now warn of the most common mistakes!

Vacuuming is one of the cleaning jobs that doesn’t require much explanation. Plug in, vacuum cleaner on and off you go! But that doesn’t seem to correspond to reality, because experts are now warning of mistakes that probably every one of us has made before.

5 mistakes you should avoid when vacuuming

Would you have thought that serious mistakes can be made when vacuuming, which can not only affect the cleanliness of your household, but also the end device? We neither! And yet we have to let the experts teach us otherwise. In the video we show you which mistakes almost every one of us has made when vacuuming.

Sources used: bildderfrau.de


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