5 problems we urgently need to normalize in a relationship

5 problems we urgently need to normalize in a relationship

© AJay / Adobe Stock

In every relationship there are ups and downs, times when we are incredibly happy and times that are more challenging. In which there are a lot of conflicts or we are unsure whether the relationship is still right for us. In relationships, especially long ones, not everything is rosy every day. We don’t wake up every morning wanting to shower our sweetheart with love. Sometimes we get annoyed because he’s spread himself out in bed or because we’ve bitched at each other before going to bed.

We often put incredible pressure on ourselves to live the perfect life. The perfect job, the perfect apartment – ​​and also the perfect relationship. Spoiler: Nothing in life is perfect. Even if we have found the (almost) perfect person with whom we want to share our life, they will also have habits or characteristics that hurt us and/or drive us mad. And vice versa, certainly the same. Such difficulties in relationships occur in the best of families – which is why we should urgently normalize them.

We should normalize these things in our relationships

1. Bad days

As already mentioned at the beginning, there are ups and downs in partnerships. Some days go great, we laugh together and are completely sure that we have found our perfect match. But there are also days – or weeks or even months – when we are just annoyed. Where we are disappointed, annoyed and find the person we actually love really stupid. Days like these are completely normal and occur even in healthy relationships. It only becomes a problem when there are no good days at all between the stupid ones.

2. Doubts

And because there are sometimes difficult phases, it can happen that we doubt our relationship. That we are suddenly no longer sure whether we have the right person at our side. Whether their mistakes aren’t absolute deal breakers for us. Not only is doubt completely normal, it’s actually healthy for a relationship. It can be helpful to continually question whether the partnership is still good for us or whether we would like to change certain conditions. Ultimately, this is the only way we can grow. And the result of a phase of doubt and questioning can ultimately be that we are simply grateful for what we have.

3. Communication failure

Even though we probably know the person we share our lives with better than anyone else, it’s completely normal for misunderstandings to arise. That we say things that hurt the other person and that we make small things that they say to us into a big deal. Communication is anything but easy, even in long-term relationships. It is important to be honest with each other and be able to admit mistakes.

4. Lulls in bed

Especially in long-term relationships, it can be a big challenge to keep desire and passion alive. We know this person with whom we have lived for years and share practically everything, mostly inside and out. It’s anything but easy to suddenly switch to “I want to rip all your clothes off” mode when you’ve just been talking about the broken washing machine. Phases in which nothing or little happens in bed occur in most relationships. It is important that both partners are willing to make an effort to maintain their sex life – as unromantic as that may sound. Because sex changes within a relationship is completely normal.

5. Jealousy

Most people have felt jealousy at some point. In relationships, it’s natural to be insecure from time to time or to worry about whether your partner might like your new colleague better than you admit. Ultimately, this also shows that we love the person we are dating and that the partnership is important to us – we don’t want to lose it. Of course, there is also unhealthy jealousy, which is often based on strong fears and ego problems. But feeling every now and then that our treasure is also desired by other people is also healthy in long-term relationships.

Sources used: instagram.com/mentalhealthceo, mindbodygreen.com


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