5 quick to-dos that will make your home clean and tidy

Easy cleaning
If you do THAT, you’ll never have to clean up on the weekend again

© deagreez / Adobe Stock

Nobody wants to spend long cleaning and tidying marathons at the weekend. So that this is not necessary in the first place, just pay attention to these five things that you can do in everyday life.

There is actually no big secret behind a clean and tidy home. Above all, it takes a bit of discipline and care not to let chaos set in at home. So that it goes a little faster and the cleanliness and order remain a little longer, we have put together five simple tricks for you that you can write on your daily to-do list.

These tricks relate to places in your home that are particularly fond of attracting chaos and dirt, but at the same time are particularly easy to spot. Anyone who manages to master these five daily tasks will always be happy about more order and cleanliness and will have a tidier impression of their apartment overall.

1. Sort the mail

We all still get tons of mail. Most of it might be advertising, which we really don’t want. Or in the case of catalogues, usually put it aside and forget it. And then there is the really important mail (invoices, documents for taxes, etc.) that we need and need to keep. The trick: Sorting the mail when it arrives. Don’t put everything in a pile “for later”. Because then the important things get lost and the pile gets bigger and bigger until it becomes a burden. First, the unwanted advertising ends up in the garbage, all other envelopes are opened immediately. All the things that can be done immediately (e.g. reading the electricity meter) are also done immediately. The rest is put on an “Important” stack until processed. Important documents are then neatly filed in a folder (e.g. for taxes).

2. Do the dishes

Nothing is more annoying at home than washing dishes. It’s not all that dramatic if you don’t put it off. There is a saying that one should not go to sleep fighting. We add: Don’t go to bed with a full sink. Because it also waits the next day and spoils your morning. If you have a dishwasher, put it in the evening. Bonus: Dishes are easier to wash when all the dirt hasn’t dried on yet.

3. Clean the sink and work surface

A kitchen should always be kept clean. Then ants, fruit flies and other nasty troublemakers have no target. That’s why it’s worth keeping the sink and work surface clean. Since these areas are mostly used daily, this task should also be on the daily to-do list. And if you wash the dishes right away (see point 2) and don’t clutter up the work surfaces with mail, catalogs and other stuff (see point 1), you should be able to finish point 3 relatively quickly.

4. Arrange shoes properly

When we get home, sometimes we just want to throw our jacket and shoes in the corner. Unfortunately, that quickly looks like chaos. Fixed places for jackets and shoes help avoid the chaos. If we put our jackets and shoes in an orderly fashion and only keep those shoes and jackets in the cloakroom that we use regularly, the hallway will look really tidy.

5. Find a place for everything

So that chaos does not arise in the first place, get used to the “30-second rule”. It says that whatever we can put in its place within 30 seconds, we should put it there immediately. This means that no mountains of stuff accumulate here and there.


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