5 really weird things cats do and here's the explanation

Having trouble understanding your cat's completely what the fuck behaviors? The new book "What does it mean when my cat does that?", Behaviorist Sonia Paeleman, finally gives some explanations.

Our cats sometimes have very strange behaviors that are difficult to explain … Whether it is when they stare into the void as if they had seen a ghost, or that they can not help following us until 'in the toilets, we can no longer count the times when they leave us questioning. We finally have the answers to our questions thanks to the book What Does It Mean When My Cat Does That ?, by Sonia Paeleman, which will be released in early January 2021 by Éditions de l'Opportun.

Why does he pull half of his body out of the litter box while he defecates?

Twink, it seems, has plenty of room to pee and pop in that luxury litter box you bought him. But no. Often, he puts his butt in it and lets his little head hang over the other side of the door. This does not mean that your cat is stupid, on the contrary. Here are two explanations for this behavior:

  • His litter is not suitable. If we are convinced that a box and a cover protecting his privacy are perfect for him, let us not forget that modesty is not for cats. Twink might actually be uncomfortable, say too tight, in that box you bought him.
  • He needs to see outside. It is indeed possible that your cat just wants to watch his perimeter when he defecates. In the natural environment, the cat prefers to have an unobstructed view to have the possibility of fleeing from predators who might be on the lookout for it during a poop break. At home, it's the same, but with his owners, children or, if he lives with another cat.

Translation : "I thought I was smart putting casters under the litter box so I could slide it out from under the stairs, but I inadvertently created a Mad Max-style vehicle, which my cat uses in order to ride through the house. , dragging himself with his front paws, all this while muddying ".

To see also: The 10 mistakes we do everything with our cat

What is this habit of staring at the ceiling?

Does your cat scare you too when he stares at the ceiling when nothing is happening? Sonia Paeleman is reassuring that he is not endowed with any paranormal power that allows him to see that your house is haunted. Cross this option off your list! On the other hand, the cat perceives a lot of things that we cannot see, but there is nothing supernatural about it. In fact, his sensory abilities are much more developed than ours: cats see ultraviolet rays and hear ultrasound."His tactile sensitivity, felt among other things by the vibrissae, allows him to perceive a tiny movement transmitted by a variation in the air", explains Sonia Paeleman. Fascinating creature …

To see also: "How the cat conquered the world": 3 facts to remember from this docu on tomcats

What takes him to bite us when we stroke him?

It's like our cat hates us. We feed him, we give him a home and love and, finally, when he takes the urge to stroke him, he bites us … Why ?! Sonia Paeleman also has the answer to this existential question. In reality, your cat is simply asking you to stop. If he asked for a hug initially, he feels the session can now be over. And if he's been sitting on your lap, tell yourself it doesn't have to be to get itchy from the canister. The spot just seemed comfortable to him and he settled in there. We are outraged by the forced kisses, right? Well, it's the same with cats. When they don't feel like cuddling, they let it know and we don't have to force them.

To see also: But why is your cat sitting on your keyboard? We have the answer

Why are they behind our noses?

What a pleasure it is that breathtaking view, when he comes up to us and puts his bottom in front of our eyes (no). All cat owners know this funny situation Sonia Paeleman recalls it in her book, cats are determined in relation to their "own needs and emotional states", no need to humanize the cat and be offended by this presentation of the butt. There are two reasons for this behavior and, we reassure you, this is not to bother us:

  • Your cat is shy: He may be used to living with human beings, but your cat may be reserved. And presenting, at first, his posterior allows him to avoid a face-to-face encounter which, in his eyes, can be brutal, with sudden itching on his head as a bonus! As soon as he is confident he will turn around and show you his little face.
  • Your cat communicates: there is a part of the communication emitted by the cat whose mystery remains unresolved, even for the most experts in animal behavior. So that's a guess, but Sonia Paeleman comes up with the idea that it’s the cat's instinct that comes out when he shows his ass. After all, among felines, sniffing is quite common to get to know each other. Far from it the author's idea of ​​encouraging us to sniff our cat's bottom, of course, but this feline behavior is undoubtedly a way for him to present himself. A simple butt to face …

Why does he meow all the time and follow us everywhere … to the bathroom?

They are real pots of glue! Some cats even go so far as to follow their master to the bathroom, meowing. If they do this and it is not in their habit, you have to ask yourself questions. Perhaps it manifests a malaise, a health problem? If in doubt, it is better to go see a veterinarian. On the other hand, if meowing and following you around the house is an everyday activity, it can be explained otherwise: "Your cat is dependent on you, or it lacks stimulation", explains Sonnia Paeleman. And this is all the more the case for apartment cats, who get bored very quickly when you are not at home. You had a close relationship with him from the start and he is showing it.

When your cat is bored, of course, he asks you a lot. To keep him well, nothing better than making sure he has plenty of toys to take care of and paying attention to the proper maintenance of his bowl or even his litter box. Your cat will thank you very much, because while being a glue pot can be rewarding for you, it shouldn't be made an addicted and unhappy animal when on its own either.