5 reasons to wait before rushing for the 2022 opening of Ranked LoL

Photo: League of Legends

The holidays are over and the 2022 League of Legends season has officially started! After long weeks of preseason where the ranked games counted more or less for butter, the tryhard is back to try to climb the different divisions of the ladder. But while the most in a hurry hastened to rush their 10 Placement Games from 5 am, some prefer to wait.

Even if a part of the community will consider this strategy as a strategy of small arms or cowards, we give you 5 reasons to follow this path of the wisdom.

1. Dodge all the animals trapped in the zoo

Please excuse us for this little joke and the objective was not to hurt the players who will feel concerned by this name. But it must be recognized that those who cunning their 10 placement Games from day one, will have yielded to their primary instinct. While they have been deprived for a long time of cleared-up games, they are like animals in rut. They only want one thing: to place themselves, to climb the leagues and to be able to brag on the networks.

If we can stick to the goal, doing so many games so quickly is dangerous. They risk losing lucidity and gaining in toxicity. We therefore advise you to avoid playing right away, for the sake of your LP but also for your Mental Health.

2. Dangerous matchmaking

Good luck Sardoche!  We hope you will take this new season with philosophy.  - League of Legends
Good luck Sardoche! We hope you will take this new season with philosophy.

At the start of the season, the counters are theoretically reset to zero. There is however a small but, since your League of Legends account keeps your old elo (hidden elo) which is taken into account during the matchmaking. This nuance makes it possible not to lose too much with the partial reset, but it is also dangerous … The maximum ranking obtained at the end of your 10 placement games is indeed capped. This means that at the start of the season we can find ourselves facing very, very big players: streamers but also professional players … As they make a living from the game, they will be among the first to rush the Ranked. If it might be nice to fall with personalities, these may break your mouth.

3. Watch out for recovery!

League of Legends

During the end of the year holidays, we tend to play less. Some have even abandoned League of Legends entirely, given that the ranked season had closed its doors. For this reason, you may not have followed the preseason changes with the new objects (hello there Shattered queen crown) and the new dragons (Chemtech and Hextech). So don’t be totally surprised by portals or shutdowns on objectives. Like every year, there is a lot to digest and if you haven’t played during the Christmas holidays, we advise you to take a little time before rushing your Ranked. You might have nasty surprises, even if League of Legends is like the bike.

4. Better to wait to have a duoQ of geniuses

League of Legends

Ranked mode mixes soloQ and the duoQ and you will be very wrong to deprive yourself of precious help. Playing with a friend is the assurance of having one less potential troll in your game, if your friend is normally constituted. It is also the possibility of communicating by voice to have better synergy and perform pixel perfect combos.

If the lonely rush is respected, one should not be ashamed of duet with someone either. It will take a little patience to make sure you are both available at the same time. But if the results are there, your patience will be rewarded. While the jungle of soloQ is still scary throughout the seasons, being accompanied usually makes you stronger. Obviously if your duo is your little brother who plays Fortnite more often than League of Legends, this advice is of no value. But if like Serendip your brother is Jezu… It’s a different story.

5. The importance of the 10 placement games

100% winrate, who says better?  - League of Legends
100% winrate, who says better?

This last point synthesizes and sums up the 4 other preceding ones. We can never tell you enough, but the 10 placement games are surely the 10 most important games of the year in Ranked. A victory or a defeat has a huge impact on your ranking and a small win can push you up a division! For example, our first victory propelled us to Plat 3 and amounted to +52 LP… Impossible to earn so many points in normal times.

It is therefore in your best interest to put yourself in the best possible conditions before trying your luck … In the event of poor performance, it is not catastrophic and you will have a year to recover. But in case of good performance, you will take a shortcut and a nice head start on your friends. Legend also says that winning streaks are hugely rewarded during ranking games. So we wish you good luck and may the force be with you, whether you have decided to wait wisely or to rush like a nag.


When Caedrel teased a big news, we didn’t expect there to be any connection with the Karmine Corp … But the usual LEC caster got the rights to cast the Showmatch’s revenge against KOI in English and on his personal channel. Good news for LoL fans.

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